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box User (Untrusted)
participant User
participant "Game Client" as Game
participant "DLL Bind" as DllBind
participant "Windows Registry" as Registry
end box
box Official Infrastructure (Trusted) #LightBlue
participant "Renegade X Website" as AuthServer
end box
User -> Game: Launch
Game -> User: Loading Screen (intro video)
group Validate Cached AuthID
Game -> DllBind: StartVerifyCachedAuthID()
DllBind -> Registry: Read AuthToken
activate Registry
return AuthToken value
alt AuthToken exists
DllBind -> AuthServer: Validate AuthID Request
DllBind -> Game: True (Request started)
loop Wait for response
Game -> DllBind: CheckAuthRequest()
DllBind --> Game: RequestInProgress
alt Authentication success
AuthServer --> DllBind: Authentication Token, ID
Game -> DllBind: CheckAuthRequest()
DllBind --> Game: Success
Game -> User: Go to main menu / join server
else Authentication failed
AuthServer --> DllBind: Authentication Failed
Game -> DllBind: CheckAuthRequest()
DllBind --> Game: Failure
Game -> User: Go to Login Screen
else Authentication Server Offline / No Response
Game -> DllBind: CheckAuthRequest()
DllBind --> Game: Timeout
Game -> User: "Unable to login; continue anyways?"
alt User clicks 'Yes'
User -> Game: Yes
Game -> User: Go to main menu / join server
else User clicks 'Exit'
User -> Game: Exit
Game -> Game: Exit
DllBind -> Game: False (No cached credentials)
Game -> User: Go to Login
group Login
User -> Game: Login Credentials
Game -> DllBind: StartLoginRequest()
DllBind -> AuthServer: Authentication Request
DllBind --> Game
loop Wait for response
Game -> DllBind: CheckAuthRequest()
DllBind --> Game: RequestInProgress
alt Authentication Success
AuthServer --> DllBind: Authentication Token, UserID
opt Remember Me Checkbox Checked
DllBind -> Registry: Store AuthID, UserID
activate Registry
Game -> DllBind: CheckAuthRequest()
DllBind --> Game: Success
Game --> User: Login Success; go to main menu / join server
else Authentication Failure
AuthServer --> DllBind: Authentication Failed
Game -> DllBind: CheckAuthRequest()
DllBind --> Game: Failure
Game --> User: Display error; repeat Login
else Authentication Server Offline / No Response
Game -> DllBind: CheckAuthRequest()
DllBind --> Game: Timeout
Game -> User: "Unable to login; continue anyways?"
alt User clicks 'Yes'
User -> Game: Yes
Game -> User: Go to main menu / join server
else User clicks 'Exit'
Game -> Game: Exit