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together {
actor "New Player" as NewUser
actor "Old Player" as OldUser
note left of NewUser {
This is any player who has
only been in this match
note right of OldUser {
This is any player who was
also in the previous match
We trust this guy a little more,
because the DDoSer probably isn't
playing real games.
cloud "Public Proxy Servers" as PubProxies {
node cmg1
node cmg2
note bottom of PubProxies
These are the only nodes
put on the server list
end note
cloud "Private Proxy Servers" as PrivProxies {
node bong1
note as PrivProxiesNote
We move previous players here so that when
the public proxy servers are inevitably taken
down, these guys won't get disconnected!
end note
cloud "Private Game Servers" as PrivServers {
node "Official NA" as NA1
node "Official EU" as EU1
note as PrivServersNote
These are never exposed, to anybody at all
end note
NewUser --> PubProxies
OldUser --> PrivProxies
PubProxies --> PrivServers
PrivProxies --> PrivServers
NewUser ..> PrivProxies : Used only when in failover