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Initial Commit

Jessica James 5 years ago
  1. 1
  2. 50
  3. 57
  4. 96
      Login Sequence.puml
  5. 63
      Server Join Sequence.puml


@ -0,0 +1 @@


@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
enum AuthRequestStatus {
Success // Logged in successfully
Failure // bad token, bad credentials
Timeout // API didn't respond
RequestInProgress // Still waiting for response
class DllBind {
+bool ClearCachedAuthID();
+bool StartVerifyCachedAuthID(int timeout_ms);
+void StartLoginRequest(string user, string password);
+void StartJoinServerRequest(string serverIP, int serverPort);
+AuthRequestStatus CheckAuthRequest();
cloud "Website / AuthServer API" {
class /register {
Type: Post
Payload: Email, Username, Password
Response: Success/Failure
class /validate {
Type: Post
Payload: AuthID, UserID
Response: Success/Failure
class /login {
Type: Post
Payload: Email or Username, Password
Response: Success/Failure
class /resetPassword {
Type: Post
Payload: Email or Username
Failure Response: No such account
Success Response: Check your email
hide empty members


@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
together {
actor "New Player" as NewUser
actor "Old Player" as OldUser
note left of NewUser {
This is any player who has
only been in this match
note right of OldUser {
This is any player who was
also in the previous match
We trust this guy a little more,
because the DDoSer probably isn't
playing real games.
cloud "Public Proxy Servers" as PubProxies {
node cmg1
node cmg2
note bottom of PubProxies
These are the only nodes
put on the server list
end note
cloud "Private Proxy Servers" as PrivProxies {
node bong1
note as PrivProxiesNote
We move previous players here so that when
the public proxy servers are inevitably taken
down, these guys won't get disconnected!
end note
cloud "Private Game Servers" as PrivServers {
node "Official NA" as NA1
node "Official EU" as EU1
note as PrivServersNote
These are never exposed, to anybody at all
end note
NewUser --> PubProxies
OldUser --> PrivProxies
PubProxies --> PrivServers
PrivProxies --> PrivServers
NewUser ..> PrivProxies : Used only when in failover

Login Sequence.puml

@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
box User (Untrusted)
participant User
participant "Game Client" as Game
participant "DLL Bind" as DllBind
participant "Windows Registry" as Registry
end box
box Official Infrastructure (Trusted) #LightBlue
participant "Renegade X Website" as AuthServer
end box
User -> Game: Launch
Game -> User: Loading Screen (intro video)
group Validate Cached AuthID
Game -> DllBind: StartVerifyCachedAuthID()
DllBind -> Registry: Read AuthToken
activate Registry
return AuthToken value
alt AuthToken exists
DllBind -> AuthServer: Validate AuthID Request
DllBind -> Game: True (Request started)
loop Wait for response
Game -> DllBind: CheckAuthRequest()
DllBind --> Game: RequestInProgress
alt Authentication success
AuthServer --> DllBind: Authentication Token, ID
Game -> DllBind: CheckAuthRequest()
DllBind --> Game: Success
Game -> User: Go to main menu / join server
else Authentication failed
AuthServer --> DllBind: Authentication Failed
Game -> DllBind: CheckAuthRequest()
DllBind --> Game: Failure
Game -> User: Go to Login Screen
else Authentication Server Offline / No Response
Game -> DllBind: CheckAuthRequest()
DllBind --> Game: Timeout
Game -> User: "Unable to login; continue anyways?"
alt User clicks 'Yes'
User -> Game: Yes
Game -> User: Go to main menu / join server
else User clicks 'Exit'
User -> Game: Exit
Game -> Game: Exit
DllBind -> Game: False (No cached credentials)
Game -> User: Go to Login
group Login
User -> Game: Login Credentials
Game -> DllBind: StartLoginRequest()
DllBind -> AuthServer: Authentication Request
DllBind --> Game
loop Wait for response
Game -> DllBind: CheckAuthRequest()
DllBind --> Game: RequestInProgress
alt Authentication Success
AuthServer --> DllBind: Authentication Token, UserID
opt Remember Me Checkbox Checked
DllBind -> Registry: Store AuthID, UserID
activate Registry
Game -> DllBind: CheckAuthRequest()
DllBind --> Game: Success
Game --> User: Login Success; go to main menu / join server
else Authentication Failure
AuthServer --> DllBind: Authentication Failed
Game -> DllBind: CheckAuthRequest()
DllBind --> Game: Failure
Game --> User: Display error; repeat Login
else Authentication Server Offline / No Response
Game -> DllBind: CheckAuthRequest()
DllBind --> Game: Timeout
Game -> User: "Unable to login; continue anyways?"
alt User clicks 'Yes'
User -> Game: Yes
Game -> User: Go to main menu / join server
else User clicks 'Exit'
Game -> Game: Exit

Server Join Sequence.puml

@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
box User (Untrusted)
participant User
participant "Game Client" as Game
participant DllBind
end box
box Game Server Infrastructure (Untrusted)
participant "Game Server" as GameServer
participant RCON
end box
box Official Infrastructure (Trusted) #LightBlue
participant "DevBot" as DevBot
participant "Renegade X Website" as AuthServer
end box
Game <-> GameServer: Normal UDK Game Join
== Begin Normal Game Play ==
Game -> GameServer: HWID
group Token Validation
Game -> DllBind: StartJoinServerRequest(IP, Port)
DllBind -> DevBot: Auth Payload
note left
Note: Validation needs to go through the DevBot,
so that the DevBot can get a verifiable response
from the AuthServer. Otherwise, the ID would have
to be validated twice -- once by the game server,
and once by the DevBot.
Additionally, if the DevBot is offline, then no
response will actually be received. This means the
player is neither authenticated, nor kicked. They're
just unauthenticated by default.
end note
opt DevBot online
DevBot -> AuthServer: Validate ID Request
alt Token is valid
AuthServer --> DevBot: Validation Success
DevBot -> GameServer: Auth Success for ID
GameServer -> RCON: Auth Success for ID
else Token is bad
AuthServer --> DevBot: Validation Failure
DevBot -> GameServer: Kick Player, Reason: "Invalid Login"
GameServer -> Game: Kick Player
Game -> User: Present Login Screen
else Site Offline / Timed Out
DevBot -> GameServer: Auth Failure for ID
GameServer -> RCON: Auth Failure for ID
else Invalid Client (Client Doesn't Send Payload)
DevBot -> GameServer: Kick Player, Reason: "Invalid Login"
note right: Caused by 3 second timeout
GameServer -> Game: Kick Player, Reason: "Invalid Login"