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[string]$PatchName="Open Beta 5.1234", # TODO: make non-optional
# Constants
$UdkUrl = "svn://"
$RootDir = (Get-Location).ProviderPath
$UdkPath = "$RootDir\UDK_Uncooked"
$BuildPath = "$UdkPath\build"
### STAGE 1: Prepare Workspace
# Requires: UdkPath, UdkUrl, TargetRevision, RootDir, BuildPath
function PrepSVN {
if (![System.IO.Directory]::Exists("$UdkPath")) {
Write-Host "Checking out UDK_Uncooked..."
svn checkout $UdkUrl
# Revert any local changes
svn revert --recursive $UdkPath
# Update UDK to latest revision
if ($TargetRevision -eq 0) {
svn update $UdkPath
else {
svn update -r $TargetRevision $UdkPath
# Checkout/update SVN to target revision
PrepSVN "$UdkPath" "$UdkUrl" "$TargetRevision"
. "$BuildPath\scripts\common.ps1"
# Prepare RootDir for build
PrepRootDir "$RootDir"
### STAGE 2: Build
# Requires: BuildPath, SourceBranch, BuildType, UdkPath
# Pull config data if type Auto
$BuildType = (GetBuildType "$BuildPath" "$SourceBranch" -BuildType "$BuildType")
# Build UDK
BuildUdk "$UdkPath" "$BuildType"
### STAGE 3: Make patch
# Requires: RootDir, UdkPath, BuildType, PatchName, SourceBranch
# Make patch data
$PatchDataName = (MakePatchData "$RootDir" "$UdkPath" "$BuildType" "$PatchName" "$SourceBranch" -DeleteBuild)
echo "PatchDataName: $PatchDataName"
### STAGE 4: Publish patch
# Requires: Env:SSHKey, Env:SSHUsername, RootDir, PatchDataName
# Publish patch data
if ($Jenkins) {
PublishPatchData $Env:SSHKey $Env:SSHUsername "" "$RootDir\$PatchDataName"
echo "Build complete. Run the `"Set Game Version`" Jenkins plan to point the appropriate branch to $PatchDataName"