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* Copyright (C) 2013-2016 Jessica James.
* Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any
* purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above
* copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies.
* Written by Jessica James <>
#if !defined _SOCKET_H_HEADER
* @file Socket.h
* @brief Provides cross-platform socket interaction.
#include <cstring>
#include "Jupiter.h"
#include "Readable_String.h"
#include "String.h"
struct addrinfo;
struct in_addr6;
namespace Jupiter
* @brief Provides a cross-platform interface for sockets.
* Note: This class SHOULD NOT be instantiated by itself.
* By default, this class creates a RAW socket, meaning TCP,
* UDP, and other protocol support requires this class to be
* extended. Extensions for UDP, TCP, and TLS/SSL are available
* in UDPSocket.h, TCPSocket.h, and SecureSocket.h, respectively.
class JUPITER_API Socket
* @brief Sets the socket type. Primarily intended for use by class extensions.
* @param type Socket type to use.
void setType(int type);
* @brief Sets the protocol to be used by the socket. Primarily intended for use by class extensions.
* @param proto Socket type to use.
void setProtocol(int proto);
* @brief Resolves and stores address information in an addrinfo struct.
* The addrinfo returned by this function should be freed by freeAddrInfo().
* @param host String containing the hostname of the target.
* @param port String containing the target port.
* @return Pointer to a NULL-terminated linked list of addrinfo on success, nullptr otherwise.
static addrinfo *getAddrInfo(const char *hostname, const char *port);
* @brief Resolves and stores address information in an addrinfo struct.
* Unlike the function getAddrInfo, this function stores the returned addrinfo
* as static, meaning that any subsequent calls will overwrite the previous call.
* @param host String containing the hostname of the target.
* @param port String containing the target port.
* @return Pointer to a NULL-terminated linked list of addrinfo on success, nullptr otherwise.
static addrinfo *getStaticAddrInfo(const char *hostname, const char *port);
* @brief Frees the resources associated with an addrinfo struct.
* @param info Pointer to the addrinfo to be freed.
static void freeAddrInfo(addrinfo *info);
* @brief Returns the N'th addrinfo in a linked list of addrinfo.
* This function does not allocate any memory.
* @param addr Head addrinfo pointer.
* @param N Position of the addrinfo in the list to return.
* @return N'th addrinfo pointed to by addr.
static addrinfo *getAddrInfo(addrinfo *addr, unsigned int N);
* @brief Returns the text representation of an addrinfo's stored address.
* @param addr Address info containing IP address.
* @return String containing the text representation of the stored address on success, nullptr otherwise.
static char *resolveAddress(const addrinfo *addr);
* @brief Returns the text representation of an addrinfo's stored address.
* @param addr Address info containing IP address.
* @param result Which result to return.
* @return String containing the text representation of the stored address on success, nullptr otherwise.
static char *resolveAddress(addrinfo *addr, unsigned int result);
* @brief Resolves a hostname to an IP address.
* @param hostname Hostname to resolve.
* @param result Which resolution result to return.
* @return String containing the text representation of the resolved address on success, nullptr otherwise.
static char *resolveAddress(const char *hostname, unsigned int result);
* @brief Resolves an address to a hostname. (Reverse DNS)
* @param addr Address info containing IP address.
* @return String containing the hostname of the stored address on success, nullptr otherwise.
static char *resolveHostname(addrinfo *addr);
* @brief Resolves an address to a hostname. (Reverse DNS)
* @param addr Address info containing IP address.
* @param result Which result to return.
* @return String containing the hostname of the stored address on success, nullptr otherwise.
static char *resolveHostname(addrinfo *addr, unsigned int result);
* @brief Resolves an address to a hostname. (Reverse DNS)
* @param hostname Address to resolve.
* @param result Which resolution result to return.
* @return String containing the hostname of the resolved address on success, nullptr otherwise.
static char *resolveHostname(const char *hostname, unsigned int result);
* @brief Reinterprets an IPv4 address as a 32-bit integer in network byte order.
* @param str String representation of an IPv4 address.
* @return IPv4 address in network byte order.
static uint32_t pton4(const char *str);
* @brief Reinterprets an IPv6 address as a 128-bit integer in network byte order.
* @param str String representation of an IPv6 address.
* @return IPv6 address in network byte order.
static in_addr6 pton6(const char *str);
* @brief Formats an IPv4 address in its string presentation format.
* @param ip IP to format
* @return String containing the address's string presentation.
static Jupiter::StringS ntop4(uint32_t ip);
* @brief Formats an IPv6 address in its string presentation format.
* @param ip IP to format
* @return String containing the address's string presentation.
static Jupiter::StringS ntop6(in_addr6 ip);
* @brief Formats an IPvX address in its string presentation format.
* Currently supports: IPv4, IPv6.
* @param ip IP to format
* @param size Size of the input type
* @return String containing the address's string presentation.
static Jupiter::StringS ntop(void *ip, size_t size);
* @brief Interface to provide simple connection establishing.
* Note: When using this method, the hostname and port are NOT stored; thus getHost(), getHostname(),
* and getPort() should not be called. This is used solely to initialize the raw sockets.
* @param info addrinfo containing the information required to initialize the socket and attempt a connection.
* @return True on success, false otherwise.
virtual bool connect(addrinfo *info);
* @brief Interface to provide simple connection establishing.
* @param hostname String containing hostname of server to connect to.
* @param iPort Port to connect on.
* @param clientHostname Optional parameter to specify the address for socket to bind to.
* @param clientPort Optional parameter to specify the port for socket to bind to.
* @return True on success, false otherwise.
virtual bool connect(const char *hostname, unsigned short iPort, const char *clientHostname = nullptr, unsigned short clientPort = 0);
* @brief Interface to provide simple binding to ports.
* @param hostname String containing hostname to bind to.
* @param iPort Port to bind to.
* @param andListen True if listen() should be called, false otherwise.
* @return True on success, false otherwise.
virtual bool bind(const char *hostname, unsigned short iPort, bool andListen = true);
* @brief Accepts an incoming connection for the port bound to.
* @return A valid Socket on success, nullptr otherwise.
virtual Socket *accept();
* @brief Sets the timeout for recv() in milliseconds.
* Note: This only affects blocking sockets.
* @param milliseconds Desired amount of time for a timeout for recv(), in milliseconds.
* @return True on success, false otherwise.
bool setReadTimeout(unsigned long milliseconds);
* @brief Sets the timeout for send() in milliseconds.
* Note: This only affects blocking sockets.
* @param milliseconds Desired amount of time for a timeout for send(), in milliseconds.
* @return True on success, false otherwise.
bool setSendTimeout(unsigned long milliseconds);
* @brief Calls setReadTimeout() and setSendTimeout().
* Note: This only affects blocking sockets.
* @param milliseconds Desired amount of time for timeout, in milliseconds.
* @return True on complete success, false otherwise.
bool setTimeout(unsigned long milliseconds);
* @brief Sets the blocking mode.
* @param mode True if the socket should be blocking, false otherwise.
* @return True on success, false otherwise.
bool setBlocking(bool mode);
* @brief Returns the blocking mode.
* @return True if the socket is blocking, false otherwise.
bool getBlockingMode() const;
* @brief Closes the socket.
virtual void shutdown();
virtual void close();
bool isShutdown() const;
* @brief Returns the hostname that the socket is connected to.
* @return String containing the hostname.
const Jupiter::ReadableString &getRemoteHostname() const;
const char *getRemoteHostnameC() const;
* @brief Returns the hostname that the socket is bound/listening to.
* @return String containing the hostname.
const Jupiter::ReadableString &getBoundHostname() const;
const char *getBoundHostnameC() const;
* @brief Returns the port which the Socket is connected to.
* @return Port number.
unsigned short getRemotePort() const;
* @brief Returns the port which the Socket is bound/listening to.
* @return Port number.
unsigned short getBoundPort() const;
* @brief Returns the type of the socket.
* @return Type of the socket.
int getType() const;
* @brief Returns the protocol being used by the socket.
* @return Protocol of the socket.
int getProtocol() const;
* @brief Returns the buffer.
* @return Buffer.
const Jupiter::ReadableString &getBuffer() const;
* @brief Returns the size of the socket buffer.
* @return Size of the buffer.
size_t getBufferSize() const;
* @brief Expands the buffer, if necessary.
* @param size The size of the buffer to be made.
* @return The newly created buffer.
const Jupiter::ReadableString &setBufferSize(size_t size);
* @brief Copies any new socket data to the buffer and returns it.
* @return Socket buffer if new data is successfully received, an empty buffer otherwise.
const Jupiter::ReadableString &getData();
* @brief Returns the local hostname of the local machine.
* Note: This allocated static memory, and should be copied for storage.
* @return String containing the hostname.
static const char *getLocalHostname();
* @brief Sets every byte in the buffer to 0.
void clearBuffer();
* @brief Writes new data from the socket to the buffer, without removing it from the socket queue.
* The data written by this function will always end with a null character, which is not counted in the returned value.
* @return Number of bytes written to buffer on success, SOCKET_ERROR (-1) otherwise.
* Note: Any returned value less than or equal to 0 should be treated as an error.
virtual int peek();
* @brief Writes new data from the socket to the buffer, without removing it from the socket queue.
* The data written by this function will always end with a null character, which is not counted in the returned value.
* A valid addrinfo object can be created using generateInfo().
* @param info Optional pointer to a valid addrinfo object to store the sender's information in.
* @return Number of bytes written to buffer on success, SOCKET_ERROR (-1) otherwise.
* Note: Any returned value less than or equal to 0 should be treated as an error.
virtual int peekFrom(addrinfo *info);
* @brief Writes new data from the socket to the buffer.
* The data written by this function will always end with a null character, which is not counted in the returned value.
* @return Number of bytes written to buffer on success, SOCKET_ERROR (-1) otherwise.
* Note: Any returned value less than or equal to 0 should be treated as an error.
virtual int recv();
* @brief Writes new data from the socket to the buffer.
* The data written by this function will always end with a null character, which is not counted in the returned value.
* A valid addrinfo object can be created using Use generateInfo().
* @param info Optional pointer to a valid addrinfo object to store the sender's information in.
* @return Number of bytes written to buffer on success, SOCKET_ERROR (-1) otherwise.
* Note: Any returned value less than or equal to 0 should be treated as an error.
virtual int recvFrom(addrinfo *info);
int receive(); /** @see recv() */
* @brief Sends data across the socket.
* @param data String containing the data to be send.
* @param datalen The size of the data to be sent, in chars.
* @return Number of bytes sent on success, SOCKET_ERROR (-1) otherwise.
* Note: Any returned value less than or equal to 0 should be treated as an error.
virtual int send(const char *data, size_t datalen);
* @brief Sends a string of data across the socket.
* Note: Internally, this just calls send(str.ptr(), str.size()).
* @param String containing the data to send.
* @return Number of bytes sent on success, SOCKET_ERROR (-1) otherwise.
* Note: Any returned value less than or equal to 0 should be treated as an error.
int send(const Jupiter::ReadableString &str);
* @brief Sends a null-terminated string of data across the socket.
* Note: Internally, this just calls send(msg, strlen(msg)).
* @param String containing the null-terminated data to send.
* @return Number of bytes sent on success, SOCKET_ERROR (-1) otherwise.
* Note: Any returned value less than or equal to 0 should be treated as an error.
int send(const char *msg);
* @brief Sends data across the socket.
* @param info addrinfo containing the address information of the recipient.
* @param data String containing the data to be send.
* @param datalen The size of the data to be sent, in chars.
* @return Number of bytes sent on success, SOCKET_ERROR (-1) otherwise.
* Note: Any returned value less than or equal to 0 should be treated as an error.
virtual int sendTo(const addrinfo *info, const char *data, size_t datalen);
* @brief Sends a null-terminated string of data across the socket.
* @param info addrinfo containing the address information of the recipient.
* @param String containing the null-terminated data to send.
* @return Number of bytes sent on success, SOCKET_ERROR (-1) otherwise.
* Note: Any returned value less than or equal to 0 should be treated as an error.
virtual int sendTo(const addrinfo *info, const char *msg);
* @brief Returns the last error.
* On Windows, this currently just calls and returns WSAGetLastError().
* On other operating systems (UNIX), this returns errno.
* @return Error code.
static int getLastError();
* @brief Initializes any one-time background requirements for the Socket class to operate.
* In particular, this initializes WSA on Windows, required for any Socket operations.
* On Linux, however, this simply returns true.
* @return True on success, false otherwise.
static bool init();
* @brief Cleans up background requirements for the Socket class to operate.
* In particular, this cleans up WSA on Windows.
* On Linux, however, this simply returns true.
* @return True on success, false otherwise.
static bool cleanup();
* @brief Move assignment operator for the Socket class
* @param source Socket to move data from
* @return Reference to this socket.
Socket &Socket::operator=(Socket &&source);
* @brief Default constructor for the Socket class.
* This constructor will set the buffer size to 512 chars.
* @brief Copying a Socket is forbidden.
Socket(const Socket &) = delete;
* @brief Constructor for the Socket class which allows for the setting of a specific buffer size.
* @param bufferSize Size of the buffer to allocate, measured in chars.
Socket(size_t bufferSize);
* @brief Move constructor for the Socket class.
* @param Source Socket to move data from.
Socket(Socket &&source);
* @brief Destructor for the Socket class.
virtual ~Socket();
/** Protected functions and members*/
* @brief An extended verison of the string class, which allows for low-level length and string modification.
class Buffer : public Jupiter::StringL
void set_length(size_t in_length);
char *get_str() const;
* @brief Fetches the buffer where data is stored
* @return Buffer where data is stored
Buffer &getInternalBuffer() const;
* @brief Used by class extensions to get the socket descriptor.
* @return A raw socket descriptor.
int getDescriptor() const;
* @brief Used by class extensions to set the appropriate socket descriptor.
* @param descript Socket descriptor.
void setDescriptor(int descript);
/** Private members */
struct Data;
Data *data_;
#endif // _SOCKET_H_HEADER