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* Copyright (C) 2013-2014 Justin James.
* This license must be preserved.
* Any applications, libraries, or code which make any use of any
* component of this program must not be commercial, unless explicit
* permission is granted from the original author. The use of this
* program for non-profit purposes is permitted.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* In the event that this license restricts you from making desired use of this program, contact the original author.
* Written by Justin James <>
* These numerics are in large part found here:
* Not all numerics from the above list are included (generally conflicting numerics such as RPL_MAP).
* To enable the shorter definitions (those without IRC_ in front), define "SHORT_IRC_MACROS" prior to including this file.
#if !defined SKIP_IRC_MACROS
#define IRC_RPL_WELCOME 1 /** RFC2812: Post-registration welcome message. */
#define IRC_RPL_YOURHOST 2 /** RFC2812: Post-registration. Your host is this server and I am running some daemon */
#define IRC_RPL_CREATED 3 /** RFC2812: Post-registration. This was was created at some point in time */
#define IRC_RPL_MYINFO 4 /** RFC2812: Post-registration. <server_name> <version> <user_modes> <chan_modes> */
#define IRC_RPL_BOUNCEOLD 5 /** RFC2812/DEPRECATED: 005 is rarely used as a bounce indicator, but was defined in RFC2812. */
#define IRC_RPL_ISUPPORT 5 /** Used to indicate what a server supports. Does not appear in any RFC, but was drafted in 2004. */
#define IRC_RPL_SNOMASK 8 /** Server notice mask */
#define IRC_RPL_STATMEMTOT 9 /** I have no idea what this does. */
#define IRC_RPL_BOUNCE 10 /** Bounce server message. Different syntax from IRC_RPL_BOUNCEOLD */
#define IRC_RPL_STATMEM 10 /** I have no idea what this does. */
#define IRC_RPL_YOURCOOKIE 14 /** I have no idea what this does. */
#define IRC_RPL_YOURID 42 /** Informs you of your unique ID. */
#define IRC_RPL_SAVENICK 43 /** Your nick was force-changed due to a nick collision */
#define IRC_RPL_ATTEMPTINGJUNC 50 /** I have no idea what this does. */
#define IRC_RPL_ATTEMPTINGREROUTE 51 /** I have no idea what this does. */
#define IRC_RPL_TRACELINK 200 /** RFC1459: "If the TRACE message is destined for another server, all intermediate servers must return a IRC_RPL_TRACELINK reply to indicate that the TRACE passed through it and where its going next."*/
#define IRC_RPL_TRACECONNECTING 201 /** RFC1459 */
#define IRC_RPL_TRACEHANDSHAKE 202 /** RFC1459 */
#define IRC_RPL_TRACEUNKNOWN 203 /** RFC1459 */
#define IRC_RPL_TRACEOPERATOR 204 /** RFC1459 */
#define IRC_RPL_TRACEUSER 205 /** RFC1459 */
#define IRC_RPL_TRACESERVER 206 /** RFC1459 */
#define IRC_RPL_TRACESERVICE 207 /** RFC2812 */
#define IRC_RPL_TRACENEWTYPE 208 /** RFC1459 */
#define IRC_RPL_TRACECLASS 209 /** RFC2812 */
#define IRC_RPL_TRACERECONNECT 210 /** RFC2812 */
#define IRC_RPL_STATS 210 /** I have no idea what this does. */
#define IRC_RPL_STATSLINKINFO 211 /** RFC1459 */
#define IRC_RPL_STATSCOMMANDS 212 /** RFC1459 */
#define IRC_RPL_STATSCLINE 213 /** RFC1459 */
#define IRC_RPL_STATSNLINE 214 /** RFC1459 */
#define IRC_RPL_STATSILINE 215 /** RFC1459 */
#define IRC_RPL_STATSKLINE 216 /** RFC1459 */
#define IRC_RPL_STATSQLINE 217 /** RFC1459 */
#define IRC_RPL_STATSYLINE 218 /** RFC1459 */
#define IRC_RPL_ENDOFSTATS 219 /** RFC1459 */
#define IRC_RPL_UMODEIS 221 /** RFC1459 */
#define IRC_RPL_SERVICEINFO 231 /** RFC1459 */
#define IRC_RPL_ENDOFSERVICES 232 /** RFC1459 */
#define IRC_RPL_SERVICE 233 /** RFC1459 */
#define IRC_RPL_SERVLIST 234 /** RFC2812 */
#define IRC_RPL_STATSVERBOSE 236 /** I have no idea what this does. */
#define IRC_RPL_STATSENGINE 237 /** I have no idea what this does. */
#define IRC_RPL_STATSIAUTH 239 /** I have no idea what this does. */
#define IRC_RPL_STATSLLINE 241 /** RFC1459 */
#define IRC_RPL_STATSUPTIME 242 /** RFC1459 */
#define IRC_RPL_STATSOLINE 243 /** RFC1459 */
#define IRC_RPL_STATSHLINE 244 /** RFC1459 */
#define IRC_RPL_STATSSLINE 245 /** I have no idea what this does. */
#define IRC_RPL_STATSPING 246 /** RFC2812 */
#define IRC_RPL_STATSCONN 250 /** I have no idea what this does. */
#define IRC_RPL_LUSERCLIENT 251 /** RFC1459 */
#define IRC_RPL_LUSEROP 252 /** RFC1459 */
#define IRC_RPL_LUSERUNKNOWN 253 /** RFC1459 */
#define IRC_RPL_LUSERCHANNELS 254 /** RFC1459 */
#define IRC_RPL_LUSERME 255 /** RFC1459 */
#define IRC_RPL_ADMINME 256 /** RFC1459 */
#define IRC_RPL_ADMINLOC1 257 /** RFC1459 */
#define IRC_RPL_ADMINLOC2 258 /** RFC1459 */
#define IRC_RPL_ADMINEMAIL 259 /** RFC1459 */
#define IRC_RPL_TRACELOG 261 /** RFC1459 */
#define IRC_RPL_TRACEEND 262 /** RFC2812 */
#define IRC_RPL_TRYAGAIN 263 /** RFC2812 */
#define IRC_RPL_LOCALUSERS 265 /** I have no idea what this does. */
#define IRC_RPL_GLOBALUSERS 266 /** I have no idea what this does. */
#define IRC_RPL_START_NETSTAT 267 /** I have no idea what this does. */
#define IRC_RPL_NETSTAT 268 /** I have no idea what this does. */
#define IRC_RPL_END_NETSTAT 269 /** I have no idea what this does. */
#define IRC_RPL_PRIVS 270 /** I have no idea what this does. */
#define IRC_RPL_SILELIST 271 /** I have no idea what this does. */
#define IRC_RPL_ENDOFSILELIST 272 /** I have no idea what this does. */
#define IRC_RPL_NOTIFY 273 /** I have no idea what this does. */
#define IRC_RPL_VCHANEXIST 276 /** I have no idea what this does. */
#define IRC_RPL_VCHANLIST 277 /** I have no idea what this does. */
#define IRC_RPL_VCHANHELP 278 /** I have no idea what this does. */
#define IRC_RPL_GLIST 280 /** I have no idea what this does. */
#define IRC_RPL_CHANINFO_KICKS 296 /** I have no idea what this does. */
#define IRC_RPL_END_CHANINFO 299 /** I have no idea what this does. */
#define IRC_RPL_NONE 300 /** RFC1459 */
#define IRC_RPL_AWAY 301 /** RFC1459 */
#define IRC_RPL_USERHOST 302 /** RFC1459 */
#define IRC_RPL_ISON 303 /** RFC1459 */
#define IRC_RPL_TEXT 304 /** I have no idea what this does. Supposedly deprecated? */
#define IRC_RPL_UNAWAY 305 /** RFC1459 */
#define IRC_RPL_NOWAWAY 306 /** RFC1459 */
#define IRC_RPL_WHOISUSER 311 /** RFC1459 */
#define IRC_RPL_WHOISSERVER 312 /** RFC1459 */
#define IRC_RPL_WHOISOPERATOR 313 /** RFC1459 */
#define IRC_RPL_WHOWASUSER 314 /** RFC1459 */
#define IRC_RPL_ENDOFWHO 315 /** RFC1459 */
#define IRC_RPL_WHOISCHANOP 316 /** RFC1459 */
#define IRC_RPL_WHOISIDLE 317 /** RFC1459 */
#define IRC_RPL_ENDOFWHOIS 318 /** RFC1459 */
#define IRC_RPL_WHOISCHANNELS 319 /** RFC1459 */
#define IRC_RPL_WHOISVIRT 320 /** I have no idea what this does. */
#define IRC_RPL_WHOIS_HIDDEN 320 /** I have no idea what this does. */
#define IRC_RPL_WHOISSPECIAL 320 /** I have no idea what this does. */
#define IRC_RPL_LISTSTART 321 /** RFC1459 */
#define IRC_RPL_LIST 322 /** RFC1459 */
#define IRC_RPL_LISTEND 323 /** RFC1459 */
#define IRC_RPL_CHANNELMODEIS 324 /** RFC1459 */
#define IRC_RPL_UNIQOPIS 325 /** RFC2812 */
#define IRC_RPL_NOCHANPASS 326 /** I have no idea what this does. */
#define IRC_RPL_CHPASSUNKNOWN 327 /** I have no idea what this does. */
#define IRC_RPL_CHANNEL_URL 328 /** I have no idea what this does. */
#define IRC_RPL_CREATIONTIME 329 /** I have no idea what this does. */
#define IRC_RPL_NOTOPIC 331 /** RFC1459 */
#define IRC_RPL_TOPIC 332 /** RFC1459 */
#define IRC_RPL_TOPICWHOTIME 333 /** I have no idea what this does. */
#define IRC_RPL_BADCHANPASS 339 /** I have no idea what this does. */
#define IRC_RPL_USERIP 340 /** I have no idea what this does. */
#define IRC_RPL_INVITING 341 /** RFC1459 */
#define IRC_RPL_SUMMONING 342 /** RFC1459 */
#define IRC_RPL_INVITED 345 /** I have no idea what this does. */
#define IRC_RPL_INVITELIST 346 /** RFC2812 */
#define IRC_RPL_ENDOFINVITELIST 347 /** RFC2812 */
#define IRC_RPL_EXCEPTLIST 348 /** RFC2812 */
#define IRC_RPL_ENDOFEXCEPTLIST 349 /** RFC2812 */
#define IRC_RPL_VERSION 351 /** RFC1459 */
#define IRC_RPL_WHOREPLY 352 /** RFC1459 */
#define IRC_RPL_NAMREPLY 353 /** RFC1459 */
#define IRC_RPL_WHOSPCRPL 354 /** I have no idea what this does. */
#define IRC_RPL_NAMREPLY_ 355 /** I have no idea what this does. */
#define IRC_RPL_KILLDONE 361 /** RFC1459 */
#define IRC_RPL_CLOSING 362 /** RFC1459 */
#define IRC_RPL_CLOSEEND 363 /** RFC1459 */
#define IRC_RPL_LINKS 364 /** RFC1459 */
#define IRC_RPL_ENDOFLINKS 365 /** RFC1459 */
#define IRC_RPL_ENDOFNAMES 366 /** RFC1459 */
#define IRC_RPL_BANLIST 367 /** RFC1459 */
#define IRC_RPL_ENDOFBANLIST 368 /** RFC1459 */
#define IRC_RPL_ENDOFWHOWAS 369 /** RFC1459 */
#define IRC_RPL_INFO 371 /** RFC1459 */
#define IRC_RPL_MOTD 372 /** RFC1459 */
#define IRC_RPL_INFOSTART 373 /** RFC1459 */
#define IRC_RPL_ENDOFINFO 374 /** RFC1459 */
#define IRC_RPL_MOTDSTART 375 /** RFC1459 */
#define IRC_RPL_ENDOFMOTD 376 /** RFC1459 */
#define IRC_RPL_YOUREOPER 381 /** RFC1459 */
#define IRC_RPL_REHASHING 382 /** RFC1459 */
#define IRC_RPL_YOURESERVICE 383 /** RFC2812 */
#define IRC_RPL_MYPORTIS 384 /** RFC1459 */
#define IRC_RPL_NOTOPERANYMORE 385 /** You are no longer a server operator */
#define IRC_RPL_ALIST 388 /** I have no idea what this does. */
#define IRC_RPL_ENDOFALIST 389 /** I have no idea what this does. */
#define IRC_RPL_TIME 391 /** RFC1459: TIME command response. <server> [possible extension data] :<time string>*/
#define IRC_RPL_USERSSTART 392 /** RFC1459 */
#define IRC_RPL_USERS 393 /** RFC1459 */
#define IRC_RPL_ENDOFUSERS 394 /** RFC1459 */
#define IRC_RPL_NOUSERS 395 /** I have no idea what this does. */
#define IRC_RPL_HOSTHIDDEN 396 /** Your hostname is now hidden. */
#define IRC_ERR_UNKNOWNERROR 400 /** An unknown error occured. */
#define IRC_ERR_NOSUCHNICK 401 /** RFC1459 */
#define IRC_ERR_NOSUCHSERVER 402 /** RFC1459 */
#define IRC_ERR_NOSUCHCHANNEL 403 /** RFC1459 */
#define IRC_ERR_CANNOTSENDTOCHAN 404 /** RFC1459 */
#define IRC_ERR_TOOMANYCHANNELS 405 /** RFC1459 */
#define IRC_ERR_WASNOSUCHNICK 406 /** RFC1459 */
#define IRC_ERR_TOOMANYTARGETS 407 /** RFC1459 */
#define IRC_ERR_NOSUCHSERVICE 408 /** RFC2812 */
#define IRC_ERR_NOORIGIN 409 /** RFC1459 */
#define IRC_ERR_NORECIPIENT 411 /** RFC1459 */
#define IRC_ERR_NOTEXTTOSEND 412 /** RFC1459 */
#define IRC_ERR_NOTOPLEVEL 413 /** RFC1459 */
#define IRC_ERR_WILDTOPLEVEL 414 /** RFC1459 */
#define IRC_ERR_BADMASK 415 /** RFC2812 */
#define IRC_ERR_TOOMANYMATCHES 416 /** I have no idea what this does. */
#define IRC_ERR_QUERYTOOLONG 416 /** I have no idea what this does. */
#define IRC_ERR_LENGTHTRUNCATED 419 /** I have no idea what this does. */
#define IRC_ERR_UNKNOWNCOMMAND 421 /** RFC1459 */
#define IRC_ERR_NOMOTD 422 /** RFC1459 */
#define IRC_ERR_NOADMININFO 423 /** RFC1459 */
#define IRC_ERR_FILEERROR 424 /** RFC1459 */
#define IRC_ERR_NOOPERMOTD 425 /** There is no operator MOTD. */
#define IRC_ERR_TOOMANYAWAY 429 /** I have no idea what this does. */
#define IRC_ERR_EVENTNICKCHANGE 430 /** Can not change nickname due to channel event. */
#define IRC_ERR_NONICKNAMEGIVEN 431 /** RFC1459: You didn't specify a nickname. */
#define IRC_ERR_ERRONEOUSNICKNAME 432 /** RFC1459: Nickname is reserved or otherwise invalid. */
#define IRC_ERR_NICKNAMEINUSE 433 /** RFC1459: Already used nickname was passed to NICK */
#define IRC_ERR_NICKCOLLISION 436 /** RFC1459: A nickname collision was detected. */
#define IRC_ERR_UNAVAILRESOURCE 437 /** RFC2812: Target is temporarily unreachable. */
#define IRC_ERR_BANNICKCHANGE 437 /** "Ban nick change" */
#define IRC_ERR_TARGETTOOFAST 439 /** I have no idea what this does. */
#define IRC_ERR_SERVICESDOWN 440 /** I have no idea what this does. */
#define IRC_ERR_USERNOTINCHANNEL 441 /** RFC1459 */
#define IRC_ERR_NOTONCHANNEL 442 /** RFC1459 */
#define IRC_ERR_USERONCHANNEL 443 /** RFC1459 */
#define IRC_ERR_NOLOGIN 444 /** RFC1459 */
#define IRC_ERR_SUMMONDISABLED 445 /** RFC1459 */
#define IRC_ERR_USERSDISABLED 446 /** RFC1459 */
#define IRC_ERR_NONICKCHANGE 447 /** I have no idea what this does. */
#define IRC_ERR_NOTIMPLEMENTED 449 /** I have no idea what this does. */
#define IRC_ERR_NOTREGISTERED 451 /** RFC1459: You need to be registered. */
#define IRC_ERR_IDCOLLISION 452 /** I have no idea what this does. */
#define IRC_ERR_NICKLOST 453 /** I have no idea what this does. */
#define IRC_ERR_HOSTILENAME 455 /** I have no idea what this does. */
#define IRC_ERR_ACCEPTFULL 456 /** I have no idea what this does. */
#define IRC_ERR_ACCEPTEXIST 457 /** I have no idea what this does. */
#define IRC_ERR_ACCEPTNOT 458 /** I have no idea what this does. */
#define IRC_ERR_NOHIDING 459 /** I have no idea what this does. */
#define IRC_ERR_NOTFORHALFOPS 460 /** I have no idea what this does. */
#define IRC_ERR_NEEDMOREPARAMS 461 /** RFC1459: Command requires more parameters. */
#define IRC_ERR_ALREADYREGISTERED 462 /** RFC1459: You're already registered. */
#define IRC_ERR_NOPERMFORHOST 463 /** RFC1459: Your host is blocked. */
#define IRC_ERR_PASSWDMISMATCH 464 /** RFC1459: Incorrect or missing server password. */
#define IRC_ERR_YOUREBANNEDCREEP 465 /** RFC1459: You're banned. */
#define IRC_ERR_YOUWILLBEBANNED 466 /** RFC1459: You will soon be banned. */
#define IRC_ERR_KEYSET 467 /** RFC1459: A key for this channel has already been set. */
#define IRC_ERR_LINKSET 469 /** I have no idea what this does. */
#define IRC_ERR_CHANNELISFULL 471 /** RFC1459: That channel is full. */
#define IRC_ERR_UNKNOWNMODE 472 /** RFC1459: That mode is unknown. */
#define IRC_ERR_INVITEONLYCHAN 473 /** RFC1459: That channel is invite-only. */
#define IRC_ERR_BANNEDFROMCHAN 474 /** RFC1459: You're banned from that channel. */
#define IRC_ERR_BADCHANNELKEY 475 /** RFC1459: Channel key was missing/incorrect. */
#define IRC_ERR_BADCHANMASK 476 /** RFC2812: That channel mask is invalid. */
#define IRC_ERR_NOCHANMODES 477 /** RFC2812: Channel does not support mode changes. */
#define IRC_ERR_BANLISTFULL 478 /** RFC2812: Channel access/ban list is full. */
#define IRC_ERR_BADCHANNAME 479 /** I have no idea what this does. */
#define IRC_ERR_LINKFAIL 479 /** I have no idea what this does. */
#define IRC_ERR_NOPRIVILEGES 481 /** RFC1459: You do not have the neccessary privledges. */
#define IRC_ERR_CHANOPRIVSNEEDED 482 /** RFC1459: You do not have the neccessary channel privledges. */
#define IRC_ERR_CANTKILLSERVER 483 /** RFC1459: You can not KILL a server. */
#define IRC_ERR_RESTRICTED 484 /** RFC2812: This connection is "restricted" */
#define IRC_ERR_UNIQOPRIVSNEEDED 485 /** RFC2812: That mode requires "channel creator" privledges. */
#define IRC_ERR_TSLESSCHAN 488 /** I have no idea what this does. */
#define IRC_ERR_NOOPERHOST 491 /** RFC1459: You can not become a server operator. */
#define IRC_ERR_NOSERVICEHOST 492 /** RFC1459 */
#define IRC_ERR_NOFEATURE 493 /** I have no idea what this does. */
#define IRC_ERR_BADFEATURE 494 /** I have no idea what this does. */
#define IRC_ERR_BADLOGTYPE 495 /** I have no idea what this does. */
#define IRC_ERR_BADLOGSYS 496 /** I have no idea what this does. */
#define IRC_ERR_BADLOGVALUE 497 /** I have no idea what this does. */
#define IRC_ERR_ISOPERLCHAN 498 /** I have no idea what this does. */
#define IRC_ERR_CHANOWNPRIVNEEDED 499 /** I have no idea what this does. */
#define IRC_ERR_UMODEUNKNOWNFLAG 501 /** RFC1459: This user mode flag is not recognized. */
#define IRC_ERR_USERSDONTMATCH 502 /** RFC1459: You can not mody/view other users' modes. */
#define IRC_ERR_GHOSTEDCLIENT 503 /** I have no idea what this does. */
#define IRC_ERR_USERNOTONSERV 504 /** I have no idea what this does. */
#define IRC_ERR_SILELISTFULL 511 /** I have no idea what this does. */
#define IRC_ERR_TOOMANYWATCH 512 /** I have no idea what this does. */
#define IRC_ERR_BADPING 513 /** Invalid PING response. */
#define IRC_ERR_BADEXPIRE 515 /** I have no idea what this does. */
#define IRC_ERR_DONTCHEAT 516 /** I have no idea what this does. */
#define IRC_ERR_DISABLED 517 /** I have no idea what this does. */
#define IRC_ERR_WHOSYNTAX 522 /** I have no idea what this does. */
#define IRC_ERR_WHOLIMEXCEED 523 /** I have no idea what this does. */
#define IRC_ERR_REMOTEPFX 525 /** I have no idea what this does. */
#define IRC_ERR_PFXUNROUTABLE 526 /** I have no idea what this does. */
#define IRC_ERR_BADHOSTMASK 550 /** I have no idea what this does. */
#define IRC_ERR_HOSTUNAVAIL 551 /** I have no idea what this does. */
#define IRC_ERR_USINGSLINE 552 /** I have no idea what this does. */
#define IRC_RPL_LOGON 600 /** I have no idea what this does. */
#define IRC_RPL_LOGOFF 601 /** I have no idea what this does. */
#define IRC_RPL_WATCHOFF 602 /** I have no idea what this does. */
#define IRC_RPL_WATCHSTAT 602 /** I have no idea what this does. */
#define IRC_RPL_NOWON 604 /** I have no idea what this does. */
#define IRC_RPL_NOWOFF 605 /** I have no idea what this does. */
#define IRC_RPL_WATCHLIST 606 /** I have no idea what this does. */
#define IRC_RPL_ENDOFWATCHLIST 607 /** I have no idea what this does. */
#define IRC_RPL_WATCHCLEAR 608 /** I have no idea what this does. */
#define IRC_RPL_ISLOCOP 611 /** I have no idea what this does. */
#define IRC_RPL_ISNOTOPER 612 /** I have no idea what this does. */
#define IRC_RPL_ENDOFISOPER 613 /** I have no idea what this does. */
#define IRC_RPL_DCCLIST 618 /** I have no idea what this does. */
#define IRC_RPL_OMOTDSTART 624 /** I have no idea what this does. */
#define IRC_RPL_OMOTD 625 /** I have no idea what this does. */
#define IRC_RPL_ENDOFO 626 /** I have no idea what this does. */
#define IRC_RPL_SETTINGS 630 /** I have no idea what this does. */
#define IRC_RPL_ENDOFSETTINGS 631 /** I have no idea what this does. */
#define IRC_RPL_TRACEROUTE_HOP 660 /** I have no idea what this does. */
#define IRC_RPL_TRACEROUTE_START 661 /** I have no idea what this does. */
#define IRC_RPL_MODECHANGEWARN 662 /** I have no idea what this does. */
#define IRC_RPL_CHANREDIR 663 /** I have no idea what this does. */
#define IRC_RPL_SERVMODEIS 664 /** I have no idea what this does. */
#define IRC_RPL_OTHERUMODEIS 665 /** I have no idea what this does. */
#define IRC_RPL_ENDOF_GENERIC 666 /** I have no idea what this does. */
#define IRC_RPL_WHOWASDETAILS 667 /** I have no idea what this does. */
#define IRC_RPL_STARTTLS 670 /** Proceed with SSL/TLS initialization */
#define IRC_RPL_WHOISSECURE 671 /** User is using a secure connection. */
#define IRC_RPL_UNKNOWNMODES 672 /** I have no idea what this does. */
#define IRC_RPL_CANNOTSETMODES 673 /** I have no idea what this does. */
#define IRC_RPL_LUSERSTAFF 678 /** I have no idea what this does. */
#define IRC_RPL_TIMEONSERVERIS 679 /** I have no idea what this does. */
#define IRC_RPL_NETWORKS 682 /** I have no idea what this does. */
#define IRC_RPL_YOURLANGUAGEIS 687 /** I have no idea what this does. */
#define IRC_RPL_LANGUAGE 688 /** I have no idea what this does. */
#define IRC_RPL_WHOISSTAFF 689 /** I have no idea what this does. */
#define IRC_RPL_WHOISLANGUAGE 690 /** I have no idea what this does. */
#define IRC_ERR_STARTTLS 691 /** An error occured setting up SSL/TLS server-side */
#define IRC_RPL_MODLIST 702 /** I have no idea what this does. */
#define IRC_RPL_ENDOFMODLIST 703 /** I have no idea what this does. */
#define IRC_RPL_HELPSTART 704 /** I have no idea what this does. */
#define IRC_RPL_HELPTXT 705 /** I have no idea what this does. */
#define IRC_RPL_ENDOFHELP 706 /** I have no idea what this does. */
#define IRC_RPL_ETRACEFULL 708 /** I have no idea what this does. */
#define IRC_RPL_ETRACE 709 /** I have no idea what this does. */
#define IRC_RPL_KNOCK 710 /** I have no idea what this does. */
#define IRC_RPL_KNOCKDLVR 711 /** I have no idea what this does. */
#define IRC_RPL_TOOMANYKNOCK 712 /** I have no idea what this does. */
#define IRC_RPL_CHANOPEN 713 /** I have no idea what this does. */
#define IRC_RPL_KNOCKONCHAN 714 /** I have no idea what this does. */
#define IRC_RPL_KNOCKDISABLED 715 /** I have no idea what this does. */
#define IRC_RPL_TARGUMODEG 716 /** I have no idea what this does. */
#define IRC_RPL_TARGNOTIFY 717 /** I have no idea what this does. */
#define IRC_RPL_UMODEGMSG 718 /** I have no idea what this does. */
//#define IRC_RPL_OMOTDSTART 720 /** I have no idea what this does. */
//#define IRC_RPL_OMOTD 721 /** I have no idea what this does. */
//#define IRC_RPL_ENDOFOMOTD 722 /** I have no idea what this does. */
#define IRC_RPL_NOPRIVS 723 /** I have no idea what this does. */
#define IRC_RPL_TESTMARK 724 /** I have no idea what this does. */
#define IRC_RPL_TESTLINE 725 /** I have no idea what this does. */
#define IRC_RPL_NOTESTLINE 726 /** I have no idea what this does. */
#define IRC_RPL_XINFO 771 /** I have no idea what this does. */
#define IRC_RPL_XINFOSTART 773 /** I have no idea what this does. */
#define IRC_RPL_XINFOEND 774 /** I have no idea what this does. */
#define IRC_RPL_CANNOTDOCOMMAND 972 /** I have no idea what this does. */
#define IRC_RPL_CANNOTCHANGEUMODE 973 /** I have no idea what this does. */
#define IRC_RPL_CANNOTCHANGECHANMODE 974 /** I have no idea what this does. */
#define IRC_RPL_CANNOTCHANGESERVERMODE 975 /** I have no idea what this does. */
#define IRC_RPL_CANNOTSENDTONICK 976 /** I have no idea what this does. */
#define IRC_RPL_UNKNOWNSERVERMODE 977 /** I have no idea what this does. */
#define IRC_RPL_SERVERMODELOCK 979 /** I have no idea what this does. */
#define IRC_RPL_BADCHARENCODING 980 /** I have no idea what this does. */
#define IRC_RPL_TOOMANYLANGUAGES 981 /** I have no idea what this does. */
#define IRC_RPL_NOLANGUAGE 982 /** I have no idea what this does. */
#define IRC_RPL_TEXTTOOSHORT 983 /** I have no idea what this does. */
#define IRC_RPL_NUMERIC_ERR 999 /** I have no idea what this does. */
#if defined SHORT_IRC_MACROS
#define RPL_WELCOME 1 /** RFC2812: Post-registration welcome message. */
#define RPL_YOURHOST 2 /** RFC2812: Post-registration. Your host is this server and I am running some daemon */
#define RPL_CREATED 3 /** RFC2812: Post-registration. This was was created at some point in time */
#define RPL_MYINFO 4 /** RFC2812: Post-registration. <server_name> <version> <user_modes> <chan_modes> */
#define RPL_BOUNCEOLD 5 /** RFC2812/DEPRECATED: 005 is rarely used as a bounce indicator, but was defined in RFC2812. */
#define RPL_ISUPPORT 5 /** Used to indicate what a server supports. Does not appear in any RFC, but was drafted in 2004. */
#define RPL_SNOMASK 8 /** Server notice mask */
#define RPL_STATMEMTOT 9 /** I have no idea what this does. */
#define RPL_BOUNCE 10 /** Bounce server message. Different syntax from RPL_BOUNCEOLD */
#define RPL_STATMEM 10 /** I have no idea what this does. */
#define RPL_YOURCOOKIE 14 /** I have no idea what this does. */
#define RPL_YOURID 42 /** Informs you of your unique ID. */
#define RPL_SAVENICK 43 /** Your nick was force-changed due to a nick collision */
#define RPL_ATTEMPTINGJUNC 50 /** I have no idea what this does. */
#define RPL_ATTEMPTINGREROUTE 51 /** I have no idea what this does. */
#define RPL_TRACELINK 200 /** RFC1459: "If the TRACE message is destined for another server, all intermediate servers must return a RPL_TRACELINK reply to indicate that the TRACE passed through it and where its going next."*/
#define RPL_TRACECONNECTING 201 /** RFC1459 */
#define RPL_TRACEHANDSHAKE 202 /** RFC1459 */
#define RPL_TRACEUNKNOWN 203 /** RFC1459 */
#define RPL_TRACEOPERATOR 204 /** RFC1459 */
#define RPL_TRACEUSER 205 /** RFC1459 */
#define RPL_TRACESERVER 206 /** RFC1459 */
#define RPL_TRACESERVICE 207 /** RFC2812 */
#define RPL_TRACENEWTYPE 208 /** RFC1459 */
#define RPL_TRACECLASS 209 /** RFC2812 */
#define RPL_TRACERECONNECT 210 /** RFC2812 */
#define RPL_STATS 210 /** I have no idea what this does. */
#define RPL_STATSLINKINFO 211 /** RFC1459 */
#define RPL_STATSCOMMANDS 212 /** RFC1459 */
#define RPL_STATSCLINE 213 /** RFC1459 */
#define RPL_STATSNLINE 214 /** RFC1459 */
#define RPL_STATSILINE 215 /** RFC1459 */
#define RPL_STATSKLINE 216 /** RFC1459 */
#define RPL_STATSQLINE 217 /** RFC1459 */
#define RPL_STATSYLINE 218 /** RFC1459 */
#define RPL_ENDOFSTATS 219 /** RFC1459 */
#define RPL_UMODEIS 221 /** RFC1459 */
#define RPL_SERVICEINFO 231 /** RFC1459 */
#define RPL_ENDOFSERVICES 232 /** RFC1459 */
#define RPL_SERVICE 233 /** RFC1459 */
#define RPL_SERVLIST 234 /** RFC2812 */
#define RPL_STATSVERBOSE 236 /** I have no idea what this does. */
#define RPL_STATSENGINE 237 /** I have no idea what this does. */
#define RPL_STATSIAUTH 239 /** I have no idea what this does. */
#define RPL_STATSLLINE 241 /** RFC1459 */
#define RPL_STATSUPTIME 242 /** RFC1459 */
#define RPL_STATSOLINE 243 /** RFC1459 */
#define RPL_STATSHLINE 244 /** RFC1459 */
#define RPL_STATSSLINE 245 /** I have no idea what this does. */
#define RPL_STATSPING 246 /** RFC2812 */
#define RPL_STATSCONN 250 /** I have no idea what this does. */
#define RPL_LUSERCLIENT 251 /** RFC1459 */
#define RPL_LUSEROP 252 /** RFC1459 */
#define RPL_LUSERUNKNOWN 253 /** RFC1459 */
#define RPL_LUSERCHANNELS 254 /** RFC1459 */
#define RPL_LUSERME 255 /** RFC1459 */
#define RPL_ADMINME 256 /** RFC1459 */
#define RPL_ADMINLOC1 257 /** RFC1459 */
#define RPL_ADMINLOC2 258 /** RFC1459 */
#define RPL_ADMINEMAIL 259 /** RFC1459 */
#define RPL_TRACELOG 261 /** RFC1459 */
#define RPL_TRACEEND 262 /** RFC2812 */
#define RPL_TRYAGAIN 263 /** RFC2812 */
#define RPL_LOCALUSERS 265 /** I have no idea what this does. */
#define RPL_GLOBALUSERS 266 /** I have no idea what this does. */
#define RPL_START_NETSTAT 267 /** I have no idea what this does. */
#define RPL_NETSTAT 268 /** I have no idea what this does. */
#define RPL_END_NETSTAT 269 /** I have no idea what this does. */
#define RPL_PRIVS 270 /** I have no idea what this does. */
#define RPL_SILELIST 271 /** I have no idea what this does. */
#define RPL_ENDOFSILELIST 272 /** I have no idea what this does. */
#define RPL_NOTIFY 273 /** I have no idea what this does. */
#define RPL_VCHANEXIST 276 /** I have no idea what this does. */
#define RPL_VCHANLIST 277 /** I have no idea what this does. */
#define RPL_VCHANHELP 278 /** I have no idea what this does. */
#define RPL_GLIST 280 /** I have no idea what this does. */
#define RPL_CHANINFO_KICKS 296 /** I have no idea what this does. */
#define RPL_END_CHANINFO 299 /** I have no idea what this does. */
#define RPL_NONE 300 /** RFC1459 */
#define RPL_AWAY 301 /** RFC1459 */
#define RPL_USERHOST 302 /** RFC1459 */
#define RPL_ISON 303 /** RFC1459 */
#define RPL_TEXT 304 /** I have no idea what this does. Supposedly deprecated? */
#define RPL_UNAWAY 305 /** RFC1459 */
#define RPL_NOWAWAY 306 /** RFC1459 */
#define RPL_WHOISUSER 311 /** RFC1459 */
#define RPL_WHOISSERVER 312 /** RFC1459 */
#define RPL_WHOISOPERATOR 313 /** RFC1459 */
#define RPL_WHOWASUSER 314 /** RFC1459 */
#define RPL_ENDOFWHO 315 /** RFC1459 */
#define RPL_WHOISCHANOP 316 /** RFC1459 */
#define RPL_WHOISIDLE 317 /** RFC1459 */
#define RPL_ENDOFWHOIS 318 /** RFC1459 */
#define RPL_WHOISCHANNELS 319 /** RFC1459 */
#define RPL_WHOISVIRT 320 /** I have no idea what this does. */
#define RPL_WHOIS_HIDDEN 320 /** I have no idea what this does. */
#define RPL_WHOISSPECIAL 320 /** I have no idea what this does. */
#define RPL_LISTSTART 321 /** RFC1459 */
#define RPL_LIST 322 /** RFC1459 */
#define RPL_LISTEND 323 /** RFC1459 */
#define RPL_CHANNELMODEIS 324 /** RFC1459 */
#define RPL_UNIQOPIS 325 /** RFC2812 */
#define RPL_NOCHANPASS 326 /** I have no idea what this does. */
#define RPL_CHPASSUNKNOWN 327 /** I have no idea what this does. */
#define RPL_CHANNEL_URL 328 /** I have no idea what this does. */
#define RPL_CREATIONTIME 329 /** I have no idea what this does. */
#define RPL_NOTOPIC 331 /** RFC1459 */
#define RPL_TOPIC 332 /** RFC1459 */
#define RPL_TOPICWHOTIME 333 /** I have no idea what this does. */
#define RPL_BADCHANPASS 339 /** I have no idea what this does. */
#define RPL_USERIP 340 /** I have no idea what this does. */
#define RPL_INVITING 341 /** RFC1459 */
#define RPL_SUMMONING 342 /** RFC1459 */
#define RPL_INVITED 345 /** I have no idea what this does. */
#define RPL_INVITELIST 346 /** RFC2812 */
#define RPL_ENDOFINVITELIST 347 /** RFC2812 */
#define RPL_EXCEPTLIST 348 /** RFC2812 */
#define RPL_ENDOFEXCEPTLIST 349 /** RFC2812 */
#define RPL_VERSION 351 /** RFC1459 */
#define RPL_WHOREPLY 352 /** RFC1459 */
#define RPL_NAMREPLY 353 /** RFC1459 */
#define RPL_WHOSPCRPL 354 /** I have no idea what this does. */
#define RPL_NAMREPLY_ 355 /** I have no idea what this does. */
#define RPL_KILLDONE 361 /** RFC1459 */
#define RPL_CLOSING 362 /** RFC1459 */
#define RPL_CLOSEEND 363 /** RFC1459 */
#define RPL_LINKS 364 /** RFC1459 */
#define RPL_ENDOFLINKS 365 /** RFC1459 */
#define RPL_ENDOFNAMES 366 /** RFC1459 */
#define RPL_BANLIST 367 /** RFC1459 */
#define RPL_ENDOFBANLIST 368 /** RFC1459 */
#define RPL_ENDOFWHOWAS 369 /** RFC1459 */
#define RPL_INFO 371 /** RFC1459 */
#define RPL_MOTD 372 /** RFC1459 */
#define RPL_INFOSTART 373 /** RFC1459 */
#define RPL_ENDOFINFO 374 /** RFC1459 */
#define RPL_MOTDSTART 375 /** RFC1459 */
#define RPL_ENDOFMOTD 376 /** RFC1459 */
#define RPL_YOUREOPER 381 /** RFC1459 */
#define RPL_REHASHING 382 /** RFC1459 */
#define RPL_YOURESERVICE 383 /** RFC2812 */
#define RPL_MYPORTIS 384 /** RFC1459 */
#define RPL_NOTOPERANYMORE 385 /** You are no longer a server operator */
#define RPL_ALIST 388 /** I have no idea what this does. */
#define RPL_ENDOFALIST 389 /** I have no idea what this does. */
#define RPL_TIME 391 /** RFC1459: TIME command response. <server> [possible extension data] :<time string>*/
#define RPL_USERSSTART 392 /** RFC1459 */
#define RPL_USERS 393 /** RFC1459 */
#define RPL_ENDOFUSERS 394 /** RFC1459 */
#define RPL_NOUSERS 395 /** I have no idea what this does. */
#define RPL_HOSTHIDDEN 396 /** Your hostname is now hidden. */
#define ERR_UNKNOWNERROR 400 /** An unknown error occured. */
#define ERR_NOSUCHNICK 401 /** RFC1459 */
#define ERR_NOSUCHSERVER 402 /** RFC1459 */
#define ERR_NOSUCHCHANNEL 403 /** RFC1459 */
#define ERR_CANNOTSENDTOCHAN 404 /** RFC1459 */
#define ERR_TOOMANYCHANNELS 405 /** RFC1459 */
#define ERR_WASNOSUCHNICK 406 /** RFC1459 */
#define ERR_TOOMANYTARGETS 407 /** RFC1459 */
#define ERR_NOSUCHSERVICE 408 /** RFC2812 */
#define ERR_NOORIGIN 409 /** RFC1459 */
#define ERR_NORECIPIENT 411 /** RFC1459 */
#define ERR_NOTEXTTOSEND 412 /** RFC1459 */
#define ERR_NOTOPLEVEL 413 /** RFC1459 */
#define ERR_WILDTOPLEVEL 414 /** RFC1459 */
#define ERR_BADMASK 415 /** RFC2812 */
#define ERR_TOOMANYMATCHES 416 /** I have no idea what this does. */
#define ERR_QUERYTOOLONG 416 /** I have no idea what this does. */
#define ERR_LENGTHTRUNCATED 419 /** I have no idea what this does. */
#define ERR_UNKNOWNCOMMAND 421 /** RFC1459 */
#define ERR_NOMOTD 422 /** RFC1459 */
#define ERR_NOADMININFO 423 /** RFC1459 */
#define ERR_FILEERROR 424 /** RFC1459 */
#define ERR_NOOPERMOTD 425 /** There is no operator MOTD. */
#define ERR_TOOMANYAWAY 429 /** I have no idea what this does. */
#define ERR_EVENTNICKCHANGE 430 /** Can not change nickname due to channel event. */
#define ERR_NONICKNAMEGIVEN 431 /** RFC1459: You didn't specify a nickname. */
#define ERR_ERRONEOUSNICKNAME 432 /** RFC1459: Nickname is reserved or otherwise invalid. */
#define ERR_NICKNAMEINUSE 433 /** RFC1459: Already used nickname was passed to NICK */
#define ERR_NICKCOLLISION 436 /** RFC1459: A nickname collision was detected. */
#define ERR_UNAVAILRESOURCE 437 /** RFC2812: Target is temporarily unreachable. */
#define ERR_BANNICKCHANGE 437 /** "Ban nick change" */
#define ERR_TARGETTOOFAST 439 /** I have no idea what this does. */
#define ERR_SERVICESDOWN 440 /** I have no idea what this does. */
#define ERR_USERNOTINCHANNEL 441 /** RFC1459 */
#define ERR_NOTONCHANNEL 442 /** RFC1459 */
#define ERR_USERONCHANNEL 443 /** RFC1459 */
#define ERR_NOLOGIN 444 /** RFC1459 */
#define ERR_SUMMONDISABLED 445 /** RFC1459 */
#define ERR_USERSDISABLED 446 /** RFC1459 */
#define ERR_NONICKCHANGE 447 /** I have no idea what this does. */
#define ERR_NOTIMPLEMENTED 449 /** I have no idea what this does. */
#define ERR_NOTREGISTERED 451 /** RFC1459: You need to be registered. */
#define ERR_IDCOLLISION 452 /** I have no idea what this does. */
#define ERR_NICKLOST 453 /** I have no idea what this does. */
#define ERR_HOSTILENAME 455 /** I have no idea what this does. */
#define ERR_ACCEPTFULL 456 /** I have no idea what this does. */
#define ERR_ACCEPTEXIST 457 /** I have no idea what this does. */
#define ERR_ACCEPTNOT 458 /** I have no idea what this does. */
#define ERR_NOHIDING 459 /** I have no idea what this does. */
#define ERR_NOTFORHALFOPS 460 /** I have no idea what this does. */
#define ERR_NEEDMOREPARAMS 461 /** RFC1459: Command requires more parameters. */
#define ERR_ALREADYREGISTERED 462 /** RFC1459: You're already registered. */
#define ERR_NOPERMFORHOST 463 /** RFC1459: Your host is blocked. */
#define ERR_PASSWDMISMATCH 464 /** RFC1459: Incorrect or missing server password. */
#define ERR_YOUREBANNEDCREEP 465 /** RFC1459: You're banned. */
#define ERR_YOUWILLBEBANNED 466 /** RFC1459: You will soon be banned. */
#define ERR_KEYSET 467 /** RFC1459: A key for this channel has already been set. */
#define ERR_LINKSET 469 /** I have no idea what this does. */
#define ERR_CHANNELISFULL 471 /** RFC1459: That channel is full. */
#define ERR_UNKNOWNMODE 472 /** RFC1459: That mode is unknown. */
#define ERR_INVITEONLYCHAN 473 /** RFC1459: That channel is invite-only. */
#define ERR_BANNEDFROMCHAN 474 /** RFC1459: You're banned from that channel. */
#define ERR_BADCHANNELKEY 475 /** RFC1459: Channel key was missing/incorrect. */
#define ERR_BADCHANMASK 476 /** RFC2812: That channel mask is invalid. */
#define ERR_NOCHANMODES 477 /** RFC2812: Channel does not support mode changes. */
#define ERR_BANLISTFULL 478 /** RFC2812: Channel access/ban list is full. */
#define ERR_BADCHANNAME 479 /** I have no idea what this does. */
#define ERR_LINKFAIL 479 /** I have no idea what this does. */
#define ERR_NOPRIVILEGES 481 /** RFC1459: You do not have the neccessary privledges. */
#define ERR_CHANOPRIVSNEEDED 482 /** RFC1459: You do not have the neccessary channel privledges. */
#define ERR_CANTKILLSERVER 483 /** RFC1459: You can not KILL a server. */
#define ERR_RESTRICTED 484 /** RFC2812: This connection is "restricted" */
#define ERR_UNIQOPRIVSNEEDED 485 /** RFC2812: That mode requires "channel creator" privledges. */
#define ERR_TSLESSCHAN 488 /** I have no idea what this does. */
#define ERR_NOOPERHOST 491 /** RFC1459: You can not become a server operator. */
#define ERR_NOSERVICEHOST 492 /** RFC1459 */
#define ERR_NOFEATURE 493 /** I have no idea what this does. */
#define ERR_BADFEATURE 494 /** I have no idea what this does. */
#define ERR_BADLOGTYPE 495 /** I have no idea what this does. */
#define ERR_BADLOGSYS 496 /** I have no idea what this does. */
#define ERR_BADLOGVALUE 497 /** I have no idea what this does. */
#define ERR_ISOPERLCHAN 498 /** I have no idea what this does. */
#define ERR_CHANOWNPRIVNEEDED 499 /** I have no idea what this does. */
#define ERR_UMODEUNKNOWNFLAG 501 /** RFC1459: This user mode flag is not recognized. */
#define ERR_USERSDONTMATCH 502 /** RFC1459: You can not mody/view other users' modes. */
#define ERR_GHOSTEDCLIENT 503 /** I have no idea what this does. */
#define ERR_USERNOTONSERV 504 /** I have no idea what this does. */
#define ERR_SILELISTFULL 511 /** I have no idea what this does. */
#define ERR_TOOMANYWATCH 512 /** I have no idea what this does. */
#define ERR_BADPING 513 /** Invalid PING response. */
#define ERR_NEEDPONG ERR_BADPING /** Use ERR_BADPING instead. */
#define ERR_BADEXPIRE 515 /** I have no idea what this does. */
#define ERR_DONTCHEAT 516 /** I have no idea what this does. */
#define ERR_DISABLED 517 /** I have no idea what this does. */
#define ERR_WHOSYNTAX 522 /** I have no idea what this does. */
#define ERR_WHOLIMEXCEED 523 /** I have no idea what this does. */
#define ERR_REMOTEPFX 525 /** I have no idea what this does. */
#define ERR_PFXUNROUTABLE 526 /** I have no idea what this does. */
#define ERR_BADHOSTMASK 550 /** I have no idea what this does. */
#define ERR_HOSTUNAVAIL 551 /** I have no idea what this does. */
#define ERR_USINGSLINE 552 /** I have no idea what this does. */
#define RPL_LOGON 600 /** I have no idea what this does. */
#define RPL_LOGOFF 601 /** I have no idea what this does. */
#define RPL_WATCHOFF 602 /** I have no idea what this does. */
#define RPL_WATCHSTAT 602 /** I have no idea what this does. */
#define RPL_NOWON 604 /** I have no idea what this does. */
#define RPL_NOWOFF 605 /** I have no idea what this does. */
#define RPL_WATCHLIST 606 /** I have no idea what this does. */
#define RPL_ENDOFWATCHLIST 607 /** I have no idea what this does. */
#define RPL_WATCHCLEAR 608 /** I have no idea what this does. */
#define RPL_ISLOCOP 611 /** I have no idea what this does. */
#define RPL_ISNOTOPER 612 /** I have no idea what this does. */
#define RPL_ENDOFISOPER 613 /** I have no idea what this does. */
#define RPL_DCCLIST 618 /** I have no idea what this does. */
#define RPL_OMOTDSTART 624 /** I have no idea what this does. */
#define RPL_OMOTD 625 /** I have no idea what this does. */
#define RPL_ENDOFO 626 /** I have no idea what this does. */
#define RPL_SETTINGS 630 /** I have no idea what this does. */
#define RPL_ENDOFSETTINGS 631 /** I have no idea what this does. */
#define RPL_TRACEROUTE_HOP 660 /** I have no idea what this does. */
#define RPL_TRACEROUTE_START 661 /** I have no idea what this does. */
#define RPL_MODECHANGEWARN 662 /** I have no idea what this does. */
#define RPL_CHANREDIR 663 /** I have no idea what this does. */
#define RPL_SERVMODEIS 664 /** I have no idea what this does. */
#define RPL_OTHERUMODEIS 665 /** I have no idea what this does. */
#define RPL_ENDOF_GENERIC 666 /** I have no idea what this does. */
#define RPL_WHOWASDETAILS 667 /** I have no idea what this does. */
#define RPL_STARTTLS 670 /** Proceed with SSL/TLS initialization */
#define RPL_WHOISSECURE 671 /** User is using a secure connection. */
#define RPL_UNKNOWNMODES 672 /** I have no idea what this does. */
#define RPL_CANNOTSETMODES 673 /** I have no idea what this does. */
#define RPL_LUSERSTAFF 678 /** I have no idea what this does. */
#define RPL_TIMEONSERVERIS 679 /** I have no idea what this does. */
#define RPL_NETWORKS 682 /** I have no idea what this does. */
#define RPL_YOURLANGUAGEIS 687 /** I have no idea what this does. */
#define RPL_LANGUAGE 688 /** I have no idea what this does. */
#define RPL_WHOISSTAFF 689 /** I have no idea what this does. */
#define RPL_WHOISLANGUAGE 690 /** I have no idea what this does. */
#define ERR_STARTTLS 691 /** An error occured setting up SSL/TLS server-side */
#define RPL_MODLIST 702 /** I have no idea what this does. */
#define RPL_ENDOFMODLIST 703 /** I have no idea what this does. */
#define RPL_HELPSTART 704 /** I have no idea what this does. */
#define RPL_HELPTXT 705 /** I have no idea what this does. */
#define RPL_ENDOFHELP 706 /** I have no idea what this does. */
#define RPL_ETRACEFULL 708 /** I have no idea what this does. */
#define RPL_ETRACE 709 /** I have no idea what this does. */
#define RPL_KNOCK 710 /** I have no idea what this does. */
#define RPL_KNOCKDLVR 711 /** I have no idea what this does. */
#define RPL_TOOMANYKNOCK 712 /** I have no idea what this does. */
#define RPL_CHANOPEN 713 /** I have no idea what this does. */
#define RPL_KNOCKONCHAN 714 /** I have no idea what this does. */
#define RPL_KNOCKDISABLED 715 /** I have no idea what this does. */
#define RPL_TARGUMODEG 716 /** I have no idea what this does. */
#define RPL_TARGNOTIFY 717 /** I have no idea what this does. */
#define RPL_UMODEGMSG 718 /** I have no idea what this does. */
//#define RPL_OMOTDSTART 720 /** I have no idea what this does. */
//#define RPL_OMOTD 721 /** I have no idea what this does. */
//#define RPL_ENDOFOMOTD 722 /** I have no idea what this does. */
#define RPL_NOPRIVS 723 /** I have no idea what this does. */
#define RPL_TESTMARK 724 /** I have no idea what this does. */
#define RPL_TESTLINE 725 /** I have no idea what this does. */
#define RPL_NOTESTLINE 726 /** I have no idea what this does. */
#define RPL_XINFO 771 /** I have no idea what this does. */
#define RPL_XINFOSTART 773 /** I have no idea what this does. */
#define RPL_XINFOEND 774 /** I have no idea what this does. */
#define RPL_CANNOTDOCOMMAND 972 /** I have no idea what this does. */
#define RPL_CANNOTCHANGEUMODE 973 /** I have no idea what this does. */
#define RPL_CANNOTCHANGECHANMODE 974 /** I have no idea what this does. */
#define RPL_CANNOTCHANGESERVERMODE 975 /** I have no idea what this does. */
#define RPL_CANNOTSENDTONICK 976 /** I have no idea what this does. */
#define RPL_UNKNOWNSERVERMODE 977 /** I have no idea what this does. */
#define RPL_SERVERMODELOCK 979 /** I have no idea what this does. */
#define RPL_BADCHARENCODING 980 /** I have no idea what this does. */
#define RPL_TOOMANYLANGUAGES 981 /** I have no idea what this does. */
#define RPL_NOLANGUAGE 982 /** I have no idea what this does. */
#define RPL_TEXTTOOSHORT 983 /** I have no idea what this does. */
#define RPL_NUMERIC_ERR 999 /** I have no idea what this does. */