You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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* Copyright (C) 2014-2015 Justin James.
* This license must be preserved.
* Any applications, libraries, or code which make any use of any
* component of this program must not be commercial, unless explicit
* permission is granted from the original author. The use of this
* program for non-profit purposes is permitted.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* In the event that this license restricts you from making desired use of this program, contact the original author.
* Written by Justin James <>
* @file Readable_String.h
* @brief Defines several basic accessive and comparative virtual functions for strings.
#include <cwchar> // wchar_t
#include <cstdio> // FILE
#include <string> // std::basic_string<T> type
#include "InvalidIndex.h"
#include "DataBuffer.h"
namespace Jupiter
* @brief Provides the basis for String classes by providing implementations for operators, comparative operations, and defining abstract functions.
* Note: This is an abstract type.
* @param T Element type which the String will store. Defaults to char.
template<typename T = char> class Readable_String
* @brief Fetches an element from the string.
* @param index Index of the element to return.
* @return The element located at the specified index.
virtual const T &get(size_t index) const = 0;
* @brief Returns a pointer to the underlying string of elements.
* @return Pointer to the underlying string of elements.
virtual const T *ptr() const = 0;
* @brief Returns the number of elements in the String.
* @return Number of elements in the string.
virtual size_t size() const = 0;
* @brief Checks if the String is empty.
* @return True if the String is empty, false otherwise.
virtual bool isEmpty() const;
* @brief Checks if the String is not empty.
* @return True if the String is not empty, false otherwise.
virtual bool isNotEmpty() const;
* @brief Checks if the string contains an element with the specified value.
* @param value Value of the element to search for.
* @return True if a match is found, false otherwise.
bool contains(const T &value) const;
* @brief Returns the index of the first element in the string with the specified value.
* @param value Value of the element to search for.
* @param index Index of the match to return (i.e: 0 returns the first match).
* @return The index of an element if one is found, INVALID_INDEX otherwise.
size_t find(const T &value, size_t index = 0) const;
size_t find(const Readable_String<T> &in) const;
* @brief Returns the index of the first element in the string with the specified value.
* Note: Case insensitive. Returns false for any type other than char and wchar_t.
* @param value Value of the element to search for.
* @param index Index of the match to return (i.e: 0 returns the first match).
* @return The index of an element if one is found, INVALID_INDEX otherwise.
size_t findi(const T &value, size_t index = 0) const;
size_t findi(const Readable_String<T> &in) const;
* @brief Returns the number of elements of the string which match the input string.
* @param in Character set to match against.
* @return Number of elements at the start of the string that match the character set.
size_t span(const Readable_String<T> &in) const;
size_t span(const T *str) const;
* @brief Compares another string against the String.
* @param in String to compare against.
* @return 0 if the strings are equal, negative if the first mismatched character is greater in the String, or positive if it's less.
int compare(const Readable_String<T> &in) const;
int compare(const std::basic_string<T> &in) const;
int compare(const T *in) const;
int compare(const T &in) const;
int compare(const std::nullptr_t) const;
* @brief Checks if the strings are equal.
* Note: Case sensitive.
* @param in String to compare against.
* @return True if the contents of the strings are equal, false otherwise.
bool equals(const Readable_String<T> &in) const;
bool equals(const std::basic_string<T> &in) const;
bool equals(const T *in, size_t len) const;
bool equals(const T *in) const;
bool equals(const T &in) const;
bool equals(const std::nullptr_t) const;
* @brief Checks if the strings are equal.
* Note: Case insensitive. Returns false for any type other than char and wchar_t.
* @param in String to compare against.
* @return True if the contents of the strings are equal, false otherwise.
bool equalsi(const Readable_String<T> &in) const;
bool equalsi(const std::basic_string<T> &in) const;
bool equalsi(const T *in, size_t len) const;
bool equalsi(const T *in) const;
bool equalsi(const T &in) const;
bool equalsi(const std::nullptr_t) const;
* @brief Checks if the String matches a wildcard format.
* Note: Case sensitive.
* @param format Format that the string is compared against.
* @return True if the String matches the wildcard format, false otherwise.
bool match(const Readable_String<T> &format) const;
bool match(const std::basic_string<T> &format) const;
bool match(const T *format, size_t formatSize) const;
bool match(const T *format) const;
* @brief Checks if the CString matches a wildcard format.
* Note: Case insensitive. Returns false for any type other than char and wchar_t.
* @param format Format that the string is compared against.
* @return True if the CString matches the wildcard format, false otherwise.
bool matchi(const Readable_String<T> &format) const;
bool matchi(const std::basic_string<T> &format) const;
bool matchi(const T *format, size_t formatSize) const;
bool matchi(const T *format) const;
* @brief Counts the number of token deliminated words.
* @param whitespace A string of tokens used to deliminate words.
* @return Number of words found.
unsigned int wordCount(const T *whitespace) const;
* @brief Counts the number of token-deliminated strings in the string.
* @param token Token to scan for.
* @return Number of token-deliminated strings in the string.
size_t tokenCount(const T &token) const;
size_t tokenCount(const Readable_String<T> &token) const;
size_t tokenCount(const std::basic_string<T> &token) const;
size_t tokenCount(const T *token, size_t tokenLength) const;
* @brief Interprets the string as a bool.
* @return Bool interpretation of the string.
bool asBool() const;
* @brief Interprets the string as an integer.
* Note: This returns 0 on any value string type other than char.
* @param base Base of the string representation.
* @return Integer representation of the string.
int asInt(int base = 0) const;
long long asLongLong(int base = 0) const;
unsigned int asUnsignedInt(int base = 0) const;
unsigned long long asUnsignedLongLong(int base = 0) const;
* @brief Interprets the string as a floating-point decimal number.
* Note: This returns 0 on any value string type other than char.
* @param base Base of the string representation.
* @return Integer representation of the string.
double asDouble() const;
* @brief Sums together all of the elements in the string.
* @param T Integral type to return
* @return Sum of all the elements in the string
template<typename R = unsigned int> R calcChecksum() const;
* @brief Sums together the uppercase version of all of the elements in the string.
* @param T Integral type to return
* @return Sum of all the elements in the string
template<typename R = unsigned int> R calcChecksumi() const;
* @brief Outputs the string to a FILE stream.
* @param out Stream to output to.
* @return Number of elements written successfully.
size_t print(FILE *out) const;
size_t print(std::basic_ostream<T> &out) const;
* @brief Outputs the string and a newline to a FILE stream
* @param out Stream to output to.
* @param Number of elements written successfully.
size_t println(FILE *out) const;
size_t println(std::basic_ostream<T> &out) const;
* @brief Copies a "word" from an input string and returns it in an output type.
* @param R Type to return. Must be a subclass of String_Type.
* @param in String to get a partial copy of.
* @param pos Index of the word to copy.
* @param whitespace String of characters that are to be considered whitespace.
* @return Copy of the word at the specified index on success, an empty string otherwise.
template<template<typename> class R> static R<T> getWord(const Jupiter::Readable_String<T> &in, size_t pos, const T *whitespace);
template<template<typename> class R> static R<T> getWord(const T *in, size_t pos, const T *whitespace);
* @brief Copies a the elements between two tokens from an input string and returns it in an output type.
* @param R Type to return. Must be a subclass of String_Type.
* @param in String to get a partial copy of.
* @param pos Index of the token to copy.
* @param token Token to scan for.
* @return Copy of the token at the specified index on success, an empty string otherwise.
template<template<typename> class R> static R<T> getToken(const Jupiter::Readable_String<T> &in, size_t pos, const T &token);
template<template<typename> class R> static R<T> getToken(const Jupiter::Readable_String<T> &in, size_t pos, const Jupiter::Readable_String<T> &token);
* @brief Copies a part of an input string starting at a specified "word" and returns it in an output type.
* @param R Type to return. Must be a subclass of String_Type.
* @param in String to get a partial copy of.
* @param pos Index of the word to start copying from.
* @param whitespace String of characters that are to be considered whitespace.
* @return Copy of the string starting at the specified word on success, an empty string otherwise.
template<template<typename> class R> static R<T> gotoWord(const Jupiter::Readable_String<T> &in, size_t pos, const T *whitespace);
template<template<typename> class R> static R<T> gotoWord(const T *in, size_t pos, const T *whitespace);
* @brief Copies a part of an input string starting at a specified token and returns it in an output type.
* @param R Type to return. Must be a subclass of String_Type.
* @param in String to get a partial copy of.
* @param pos Index of the word to start copying from.
* @param token Token to scan for.
* @return Copy of the string starting at the specified word on success, an empty string otherwise.
template<template<typename> class R> static R<T> gotoToken(const Jupiter::Readable_String<T> &in, size_t pos, const T &token);
template<template<typename> class R> static R<T> gotoToken(const Jupiter::Readable_String<T> &in, size_t pos, const Jupiter::Readable_String<T> &token);
/** Access operator */
inline const T &operator[](size_t index) const { return this->get(index); };
/** Comparative operators */
inline bool operator==(const Readable_String<T> &right)const{ return this->equals(right); }
inline bool operator==(const std::basic_string<T> &right)const{ return this->equals(right); }
inline bool operator==(const T *right)const{ return this->equals(right); }
inline bool operator==(const T right)const{ return this->equals(right); }
inline bool operator!=(const Readable_String<T> &right)const{ return !operator==(right); }
inline bool operator!=(const std::basic_string<T> &right)const{ return !operator==(right); }
inline bool operator!=(const T *right)const{ return !operator==(right); }
inline bool operator!=(const T right)const{ return !operator==(right); }
inline bool operator<(const Readable_String<T> &right)const{ return this->compare(right) < 0; }
inline bool operator<(const std::basic_string<T> &right)const{ return this->compare(right) < 0; }
inline bool operator<(const T *right)const{ return this->compare(right) < 0; }
inline bool operator<(const T right)const{ return this->compare(right) < 0; }
inline bool operator>(const Readable_String<T> &right)const{ return this->compare(right) > 0; }
inline bool operator>(const std::basic_string<T> &right)const{ return this->compare(right) > 0; }
inline bool operator>(const T *right)const{ return this->compare(right) > 0; }
inline bool operator>(const T right)const{ return this->compare(right) > 0; }
inline bool operator<=(const Readable_String<T> &right)const{ return !operator>(right); }
inline bool operator<=(const std::basic_string<T> &right)const{ return !operator>(right); }
inline bool operator<=(const T *right)const{ return !operator>(right); }
inline bool operator<=(const T right)const{ return !operator>(right); }
inline bool operator>=(const Readable_String<T> &right)const{ return !operator<(right); }
inline bool operator>=(const std::basic_string<T> &right)const{ return !operator<(right); }
inline bool operator>=(const T *right)const{ return !operator<(right); }
inline bool operator>=(const T right)const{ return !operator<(right); }
/** Conversion operators */
explicit inline operator std::basic_string<T>() { return std::basic_string<T>(this->ptr(), this->size()); }
template<typename R> R calcChecksumiHelper() const;
/** Generic Readable String Type */
typedef Readable_String<char> ReadableString;
/** Generic Wide Readable String Type */
typedef Readable_String<wchar_t> ReadableWString;
#include "Readable_String_Imp.h"