You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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* Copyright (C) 2013-2015 Justin James.
* This license must be preserved.
* Any applications, libraries, or code which make any use of any
* component of this program must not be commercial, unless explicit
* permission is granted from the original author. The use of this
* program for non-profit purposes is permitted.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* In the event that this license restricts you from making desired use of this program, contact the original author.
* Written by Justin James <>
#if !defined _STRING_TYPE_H_HEADER
* @file String_Type.h
* @brief Provides the basis for String types, of any implementation.
* Note: Some methods are commented out. This means that they should be implemented, but could not be put declared in this template (return of abstract type).
#include <cstdarg> // va_list
#include "Readable_String.h"
namespace Jupiter
* @brief Provides the basis for String classes by providing implementations for operators, comparative operations, and defining abstract functions.
* Note: This is an abstract type.
* @param T Element type which the String will store. Defaults to char.
template<typename T = char> class String_Type : public Jupiter::Readable_String<T>
* @brief Fetches an element from the string.
* @param index Index of the element to return.
* @return The element located at the specified index.
const T &get(size_t index) const;
* @brief Returns the number of elements in the String.
* @return Number of elements in the string.
size_t size() const;
* @brief Returns a pointer to the underlying string of elements.
* @return Pointer to the underlying string of elements.
const T *ptr() const;
* @brief Sets the String's contents based on the format string and input variables.
* Note: Format specifiers similar to printf. Returns 0 for any type other than char and wchar_t.
* @param format Format that the string is compared against.
* @param ... Inputs to match the format specifiers.
* @return Number of characters written.
size_t format(const std::basic_string<T> &format, ...);
size_t format(const T *format, ...);
virtual size_t vformat(const T *format, va_list args) = 0;
* @brief Appends to a String's contents based on the format string and input variables.
* Note: Format specifiers similar to printf. Returns 0 for any type other than char and wchar_t.
* @param format Format that the string is compared against.
* @param ... Inputs to match the format specifiers.
* @return Number of characters written.
size_t aformat(const std::basic_string<T> &format, ...);
size_t aformat(const T *format, ...);
virtual size_t avformat(const T *format, va_list args) = 0;
* @brief Truncates the string by a specified number of elements.
* @param n Number of elements to remove from the tail.
* @return New size of the String.
virtual size_t truncate(size_t n);
* @brief Removes the first instance of an element from the string.
* @param value Value of the element to remove.
* @return True if an element was removed, false otherwise.
virtual bool remove(const T &value);
* @brief Sets the value of an element at the specified index.
* Note: If the index is not in the string, it will be added.
* @param index Index of element to replace.
* @param in Value to set element to.
* @return New size of the String.
virtual size_t set(size_t index, const T &in);
virtual size_t set(size_t index, const T *in, size_t inSize);
virtual size_t set(size_t index, const Jupiter::Readable_String<T> &in);
virtual size_t set(size_t index, const std::basic_string<T> &in);
virtual size_t set(size_t index, const T *in);
* @brief Copies the data from the input string to the String.
* @param in String containing the data to be copied.
* @return New size of the String.
virtual size_t set(const T *in, size_t inSize);
virtual size_t set(const Jupiter::Readable_String<T> &in);
virtual size_t set(const std::basic_string<T> &in);
virtual size_t set(const T *in);
virtual size_t set(const T &in);
* @brief Inserts data into a position in the string.
* @param index Index to insert data to.
* @param value Value to insert.
virtual size_t insert(size_t index, const T &value);
virtual size_t insert(size_t index, const Jupiter::Readable_String<T> &value);
* @brief Replaces all instances of one value with another value.
* @param target Target to search for and replace.
* @param value Value to replace the target with.
* @return New size of the string.
virtual size_t replace(const T &target, const T &value);
virtual size_t replace(const T *target, size_t targetSize, const T &value);
virtual size_t replace(const Jupiter::Readable_String<T> &target, const T &value);
//virtual size_t replace(const T &target, const T *value, size_t valueSize);
//virtual size_t replace(const T &target, const Jupiter::Readable_String<T> &value);
virtual size_t replace(const T *target, size_t targetSize, const T *value, size_t valueSize);
virtual size_t replace(const T *target, size_t targetSize, const Jupiter::Readable_String<T> &value);
virtual size_t replace(const Jupiter::Readable_String<T> &target, const T *value, size_t valueSize);
virtual size_t replace(const Jupiter::Readable_String<T> &target, const Jupiter::Readable_String<T> &value);
* @brief Copies the data from the input string and concatenates it to the end of String.
* @param in String containing the data to be concatenated.
* @return New size of the String.
virtual size_t concat(const T *in, size_t inSize);
virtual size_t concat(const Jupiter::Readable_String<T> &in);
virtual size_t concat(const std::basic_string<T> &in);
virtual size_t concat(const T *in);
virtual size_t concat(const T &in);
* @brief Copies a part of an input string and returns it in an output type.
* @param R Type to return. Must be a subclass of String_Type.
* @param in String to get a partial copy of.
* @param pos Position to start copying from.
* @return Partial copy of the input string.
template<template<typename> class R> static R<T> substring(const Jupiter::Readable_String<T> &in, size_t pos);
template<template<typename> class R> static R<T> substring(const T *in, size_t pos);
* @brief Copies a part of an input string and returns it in an output type.
* @param R Type to return. Must be a subclass of String_Type.
* @param in String to get a partial copy of.
* @param pos Position to start copying from.
* @param len Number of elements to copy.
* @return Partial copy of the input string.
template<template<typename> class R> static R<T> substring(const Jupiter::Readable_String<T> &in, size_t pos, size_t len);
template<template<typename> class R> static R<T> substring(const T *in, size_t pos, size_t len);
/** Mutative operators */
inline String_Type<T> &operator+=(const Readable_String<T> &right) { this->concat(right); return *this; };
inline String_Type<T> &operator+=(const String_Type<T> &right) { this->concat(right); return *this; };
inline String_Type<T> &operator+=(const std::basic_string<T> &right) { this->concat(right); return *this; };
inline String_Type<T> &operator+=(const T *right) { this->concat(right); return *this; };
inline String_Type<T> &operator+=(const T right) { this->concat(right); return *this; };
inline String_Type<T> &operator-=(size_t right) { this->truncate(right); return *this; };
inline String_Type<T> &operator=(const Readable_String<T> &right) { this->set(right); return *this; };
inline String_Type<T> &operator=(const String_Type<T> &right) { this->set(right); return *this; };
inline String_Type<T> &operator=(const std::basic_string<T> &right) { this->set(right); return *this; };
inline String_Type<T> &operator=(const T *right) { this->set(right); return *this; };
inline String_Type<T> &operator=(const T right) { this->set(right); return *this; };
* @brief Default constructor for the String_Type class.
String_Type() {}
* @brief Move constructor for the String_Type class.
String_Type(Jupiter::String_Type<T> &&source);
* The following constructors should exist:
* A default constructor
* A copy constructor for the same class.
* A copy constructor for Readable_String.
* A copy constructor for std::basic_string<T>.
* A copy constructor for C-style strings.
* A copy constructor for memory array strings.
* @brief Sets the internal buffer to be at least large enough to old a specified number of elements.
* Note: This does nothing if len is less than the string's current length.
* @param len Minimum number of elements the string buffer must be able to hold.
* @return True if a new buffer was allocated, false otherwise.
virtual bool setBufferSize(size_t len) = 0;
* @brief Empties the string, and sets the internal buffer to be at least large enough to old a specified number of elements.
* Note: This does nothing if len is less than the string's current length.
* @param len Minimum number of elements the string buffer must be able to hold.
* @return True if a new buffer was allocated, false otherwise.
virtual bool setBufferSizeNoCopy(size_t len) = 0;
T *str; /** Pointer for the underlying string of elements */
size_t length; /** Number of representable elements in the string */
/** Generic String Type */
typedef String_Type<char> StringType;
/** Generic Wide String Type */
typedef String_Type<wchar_t> WStringType;
/** Implementation for String_Type. */
#include "String_Type_Imp.h"