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* Copyright (C) 2014 Justin James.
* This license must be preserved.
* Any applications, libraries, or code which make any use of any
* component of this program must not be commercial, unless explicit
* permission is granted from the original author. The use of this
* program for non-profit purposes is permitted.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* In the event that this license restricts you from making desired use of this program, contact the original author.
* Written by Justin James <>
#if !defined _RENX_SERVER_H_HEADER
* @file RenX_Server.h
* @brief Defines the Server class.
#include "Jupiter/TCPSocket.h"
#include "Jupiter/DLList.h"
#include "Jupiter/ArrayList.h"
#include "Jupiter/String.h"
#include "Jupiter/CString.h"
#include "Jupiter/INIFile.h"
#include "Jupiter/Thinker.h"
#include "RenX.h"
/** DLL Linkage Nagging */
#if defined _MSC_VER
#pragma warning(push)
#pragma warning(disable: 4251)
namespace RenX
/** Forward declarations */
struct PlayerInfo;
class GameCommand;
class Core;
* @brief Represents a connection to an individiaul Renegade-X server.
* There are often more than one of these, such as when communities run multiple servers.
class RENX_API Server : public Jupiter::Thinker
public: // Jupiter::Thinker
* @brief Checks and processes raw socket data.
* @return Zero if no error occurs, a non-zero value otherwise.
int think();
public: // RenX::Server
Jupiter::DLList<RenX::PlayerInfo> players; /** A list of players in the server */
Jupiter::INIFile varData; /** This may be replaced later with a more dedicated type. */
* @brief Checks if the server is connected to RCON.
* @return True if the server is connected, false otherwise.
bool isConnected() const;
* @brief Checks if a channel type is a public channel type.
* @param type Type to check against.
* @return True if this is a public channel type, false otherwise.
bool isPublicLogChanType(int type) const;
* @brief Checks if a channel type is an administrative channel type.
* @param type Type to check against.
* @return True if this is an administrative channel type, false otherwise.
bool isAdminLogChanType(int type) const;
* @brief Checks if a channel type is either a public or administrative channel type.
* @param type Type to check against.
* @return True if this is either a public or administrative channel type, false otherwise.
bool isLogChanType(int type) const;
* @brief Sends a command to the server.
* @param commmand Command to send.
* @return The number of bytes sent on success, less than or equal to zero otherwise.
int send(const Jupiter::ReadableString &command);
* @brief Sends an in-game message to the server.
* @param message Message to send in-game.
* @return The number of bytes sent on success, less than or equal to zero otherwise.
int sendMessage(const Jupiter::ReadableString &message);
* @brief Sends an in-game message to a player in the server.
* @param player Data of the player to send a message to.
* @param message Message to send in-game.
* @return The number of bytes sent on success, less than or equal to zero otherwise.
int sendMessage(RenX::PlayerInfo *player, const Jupiter::ReadableString &message);
* @brief Sends data to the server.
* @param data String of data to send.
* @return The number of bytes sent on success, less than or equal to zero otherwise.
int sendData(const Jupiter::ReadableString &data);
* @brief Fetches a player's data based on their ID number.
* @param id ID of the player
* @return A pointer to a player's corresponding PlayerInfo on success, nullptr otherwise.
RenX::PlayerInfo *getPlayer(int id) const;
* @brief Fetches a player's data, based on their name.
* @param name Name of the player.
* @return A player's data on success, nullptr otherwise.
RenX::PlayerInfo *getPlayerByName(const Jupiter::ReadableString &name) const;
* @brief Fetches a player's data, based on part of their name.
* @param name Name of the player.
* @return A player's data on success, nullptr otherwise.
RenX::PlayerInfo *getPlayerByPartName(const Jupiter::ReadableString &partName) const;
* @brief Fetches a player's data, based on part of their name.
* Note: This does not check that the exact name exists first.
* @param name Name of the player.
* @return A player's data on success, nullptr otherwise.
RenX::PlayerInfo *getPlayerByPartNameFast(const Jupiter::ReadableString &partName) const;
* @brief Kicks a player from the server.
* @param id Player ID of the player to kick.
void kickPlayer(int id);
* @brief Kicks a player from the server.
* @param player Data of the player to kick.
void kickPlayer(const RenX::PlayerInfo *player);
* @brief Bans a player from the server.
* @param id Player ID of the player to ban.
void banPlayer(int id);
* @brief Bans a player from the server.
* @param player Data of the player to ban.
void banPlayer(const RenX::PlayerInfo *player);
* @brief Removes a player's data based on their ID number.
* @param id ID of the player
* @return True if a player was removed, false otherwise.
bool removePlayer(int id);
* @brief Removes a player's data based on a player's data.
* @param player Pointer to a player's data
* @return True if a player was removed, false otherwise.
bool removePlayer(RenX::PlayerInfo *player);
* @brief Fetches a server's IRC logging prefix.
* @return The server's logging prefix.
const Jupiter::ReadableString &getPrefix() const;
* @brief Sets a server's IRC logging prefix.
* @param prefix Prefix to use.
void setPrefix(const Jupiter::ReadableString &prefix);
* @brief Fetches a server's game command prefix.
* @return The server's game command prefix.
const Jupiter::ReadableString &getCommandPrefix() const;
* @brief Sets a server's game command prefix.
* @param prefix Prefix to use.
void setCommandPrefix(const Jupiter::ReadableString &prefix);
* @brief Fetches the rules of a server.
* @return String containing the rules of the server.
const Jupiter::ReadableString &getRules() const;
* @brief Sets the rules of a server.
* @param rules Rules for the server to be used.
void setRules(const Jupiter::ReadableString &rules);
* @brief Fetches the hostname of a server.
* @return String containing the hostname of the server.
const Jupiter::ReadableString &getHostname() const;
* @brief Fetches the port of a server.
* @return Port of the server.
unsigned short getPort() const;
* @brief Fetches the time of the last connection attempt.
* Note: This includes both successful and failed connection attempts.
* @return Time of the last connection attempt.
time_t getLastAttempt() const;
* @brief Fetches the time delay between connection attempts.
* @return Time delay between connection attempts.
time_t getDelay() const;
* @brief Fetches the password of a server.
* @return String containing the password of the server.
const Jupiter::ReadableString &getPassword() const;
* @brief Fetches a command from the list.
* @param index Index of the command to return.
* @return Command located at the specified index.
GameCommand *getCommand(unsigned int index) const;
* @brief Fetches a command from the list.
* @param trigger Trigger of the command to get
* @return Command with the specified trigger.
GameCommand *getCommand(const Jupiter::ReadableString &trigger) const;
* @brief Returns the number of commands in the command list.
* @return Number of commands in the command list.
unsigned int getCommandCount() const;
* @brief Triggers commands matching a specified trigger.
* @param trigger Trigger of the command to fire.
* @return Number of commands triggered.
unsigned int triggerCommand(const Jupiter::ReadableString &trigger, RenX::PlayerInfo *player, const Jupiter::ReadableString &parameters);
* @brief Adds a command to the server's game command list.
* @param command Command to add.
void addCommand(RenX::GameCommand *command);
* @brief Adds a command to the server's game command list.
* @param command Command to remove.
* @return True if a command was removed, false otherwise.
bool removeCommand(RenX::GameCommand *command);
* @brief Adds a command to the server's game command list.
* @param trigger Trigger of the command to remove.
* @return True if a command was removed, false otherwise.
bool removeCommand(const Jupiter::ReadableString &trigger);
* @brief Formats and sends a message to a server's corresponding public channels.
* @param server Server corresponding to channel types.
* @param fmt String containing the format specifiers indicating what message to send.
void sendPubChan(const char *fmt, ...) const;
* @brief Formats and sends a message to a server's corresponding adminstrative channels.
* @param server Server corresponding to channel types.
* @param fmt String containing the format specifiers indicating what message to send.
void sendAdmChan(const char *fmt, ...) const;
* @brief Formats and sends a message to a server's corresponding channels.
* @param server Server corresponding to channel types.
* @param fmt String containing the format specifiers indicating what message to send.
void sendLogChan(const char *fmt, ...) const;
* @brief Processes a line of RCON input data. Input data SHOULD NOT include a new-line ('\n') terminator.
* @param line Line to process
void processLine(const Jupiter::ReadableString &line);
* @brief Disconnects from a server's RCON interface.
void disconnect();
* @brief Connects to the server's RCON interface.
* @return True if the socket successfully connected, false otherwise.
bool connect();
* @brief Reconnects to the server's RCON interface.
* @return True if the socket successfully connected, false otherwise.
bool reconnect();
* @brief Deletes all of the data about a server (such as players).
* This is mostly for use with the reconnect mechanism.
void wipeData();
* @brief Fetches the RCON version number, or 0 or none has been set.
unsigned int getVersion() const;
* @brief Fetches the game version string, or an empty string if none has been set.
const Jupiter::ReadableString &getGameVersion() const;
* @brief Creates the Server object, and loads settings from the specified configuration section.
* @param configurationSection Configuration section to load from.
Server(const Jupiter::ReadableString &configurationSection);
* @brief Destructor for Server class.
/** Private members */
bool connected = false;
bool needsCList = false;
unsigned int rconVersion = 0;
unsigned short port;
int logChanType;
int adminLogChanType;
time_t lastAttempt = 0;
time_t delay;
unsigned int uuidMode; /** 0 = steam, 1 = nickname */
Jupiter::TCPSocket sock;
Jupiter::CStringS clientHostname;
Jupiter::CStringS hostname;
Jupiter::StringS pass;
Jupiter::StringS configSection;
Jupiter::StringS rules;
Jupiter::StringS IRCPrefix;
Jupiter::StringS CommandPrefix;
Jupiter::StringS gameVersion;
Jupiter::String lastLine;
Jupiter::ArrayList<RenX::GameCommand> commands;
/** Re-enable warnings */
#if defined _MSC_VER
#pragma warning(pop)