; File: RenX.Ladder.Web ; ; Name of the leaderboard table page (Default: ) LadderPageName= ; Name of the search table page (Default: search) SearchPageName=search ; Name of the profile page (Default: profile) ProfilePageName=profile ; Path for the pages to be reached at (Default: /) Path=/ ; Name of the file that is prepended before every page HeaderFilename=RenX.Ladder.Web.Header.html ; Name of the file that is appended to every page FooterFilename=RenX.Ladder.Web.Footer.html ; Name of the file that defines the profile page layout ProfileFilename=RenX.Ladder.Web.Profile.html ; Name of the file that is prepended to leaderboard tables LadderTableHeaderFilename=RenX.Ladder.Web.Ladder.Table.Header.html ; Name of the file that is appended to leaderboard tables LadderTableFooterFilename=RenX.Ladder.Table.Footer.html ; Number of entries to display per table page EntriesPerPage=50 ; Minimum number of input characters on the search page MinSearchNameLength=3 ; Defines the layout of the leaderboard table rows EntryTableRow={RANK}{NAME}{SCORE}{SPM}{GAMES}{WINS}{LOSSES}{WLR}{KILLS}{DEATHS}{KDR} ; Defines the layout of the 'previous' button on profiles EntryProfilePrevious=
; Defines the layout of the 'next' button on profiles EntryProfileNext=