/** * Copyright (C) 2014 Justin James. * * This license must be preserved. * Any applications, libraries, or code which make any use of any * component of this program must not be commercial, unless explicit * permission is granted from the original author. The use of this * program for non-profit purposes is permitted. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * * In the event that this license restricts you from making desired use of this program, contact the original author. * Written by Justin James */ #if !defined _RENX_MODSYSTEM_H_HEADER #define _RENX_MODSYSTEM_H_HEADER #include "Jupiter/Plugin.h" #include "Jupiter/Reference_String.h" #include "Jupiter/String.h" #include "Jupiter/INIFile.h" #include "Jupiter/DLList.h" #include "IRC_Command.h" #include "RenX_Plugin.h" #include "RenX_GameCommand.h" class RenX_ModSystemPlugin : public RenX::Plugin { public: struct ModGroup { bool lockSteam; bool lockIP; bool lockName; bool kickLockMismatch; bool autoAuthSteam; bool autoAuthIP; int access; Jupiter::StringS prefix; Jupiter::StringS gamePrefix; Jupiter::StringS name; }; Jupiter::DLList groups; /** * @brief Calls resetAccess() on all players in a server. * * @param server Server with players to logout * @return Number of players effected. */ unsigned int logoutAllMods(const RenX::Server *server); /** * @brief Resets a player's access level to their administrative tag's assosciated access. * This means that a player not logged in as an in-game administrator/moderator will lose all access. * * @param player Player to reset access * @return True if the player's access level was modified, false otherwise. */ bool resetAccess(RenX::PlayerInfo *player); /** * @brief Authenticates a player with their configured administrative group. * * @param server Server the player is in * @param player Player to authenticate * @param checkAuto (optional) True to require that the user meet auto-authentication requirements, false otherwise * @param forceauth (optional) True to bypass locks and authenticate the user based on UUID. * @return New access of the user, -1 if the user is kicked. */ int auth(RenX::Server *server, const RenX::PlayerInfo *player, bool checkAuto = false, bool forceAuth = false) const; void tempAuth(RenX::Server *server, const RenX::PlayerInfo *player, const ModGroup *group, bool notify = true) const; bool set(RenX::PlayerInfo *player, ModGroup *group); int getConfigAccess(const Jupiter::ReadableString &uuid) const; size_t getGroupCount() const; ModGroup *getGroupByName(const Jupiter::ReadableString &name, ModGroup *defaultGroup = nullptr) const; ModGroup *getGroupByAccess(int access, ModGroup *defaultGroup = nullptr) const; ModGroup *getGroupByIndex(size_t index) const; ModGroup *getDefaultGroup() const; ModGroup *getDefaultATMGroup() const; ModGroup *getModeratorGroup() const; ModGroup *getAdministratorGroup() const; RenX_ModSystemPlugin(); ~RenX_ModSystemPlugin(); public: // RenX::Plugin void RenX_OnPlayerCreate(RenX::Server *server, const RenX::PlayerInfo *player) override; void RenX_OnPlayerDelete(RenX::Server *server, const RenX::PlayerInfo *player) override; void RenX_OnAdminLogin(RenX::Server *server, const RenX::PlayerInfo *player) override; void RenX_OnAdminGrant(RenX::Server *server, const RenX::PlayerInfo *player) override; void RenX_OnAdminLogout(RenX::Server *server, const RenX::PlayerInfo *player) override; public: // Jupiter::Plugin int OnRehash(); const Jupiter::ReadableString &getName() override { return name; } Jupiter::INIFile modsFile; private: void init(); STRING_LITERAL_AS_NAMED_REFERENCE(name, "RenX.ModSystem"); bool lockSteam; bool lockIP; bool lockName; bool kickLockMismatch; bool autoAuthSteam; bool autoAuthIP; Jupiter::StringS atmDefault; Jupiter::StringS moderatorGroup; Jupiter::StringS administratorGroup; }; GENERIC_IRC_COMMAND(AuthIRCCommand) GENERIC_IRC_COMMAND(DeAuthIRCCommand) GENERIC_IRC_COMMAND(ATMIRCCommand) GENERIC_IRC_COMMAND(AddIRCCommand) GENERIC_IRC_COMMAND(DelIRCCommand) GENERIC_IRC_COMMAND(ForceAuthIRCCommand) GENERIC_IRC_COMMAND(ModListIRCCommand) GENERIC_GAME_COMMAND(AuthGameCommand) GENERIC_GAME_COMMAND(ATMGameCommand) GENERIC_GAME_COMMAND(ForceAuthGameCommand) #endif // _RENX_MODSYSTEM_H_HEADER