; Mods.ini ; The name of this file can be specified in the primary configuration file ; as "ModsFile" under "RenX.ModSystem". ; LockSteam=Bool (Default: false) ; Binds a player's moderator block to their Steam ID if true. LockSteam=false ; LockIP=Bool (Default: true) ; Binds a player's moderator block to their last IP address if true. LockIP=true ; KickLockMismatch=Bool (Default: true) ; Kicks players who fail to pass the above lock checks when true. KickLockMismatch=true ; AutoAuthSteam=Bool (Default: true) ; Automatically authenticates a player to their block if their Steam ID matches when true. AutoAuthSteam=true ; AutoAuthIP=Bool (Default: false) ; Automatically authenticates a player to their block if their IP address matches when true. AutoAuthIP=false ; Default=String (Default: Player) ; Defines the default group for all players. Default=Player ; ATMDefault=String (Default: Trial Moderator) ; Defines the default group for the "atm" command. ATMDefault=Trial Moderator ; Moderator=String (Default: Moderator) ; Defines the group for those who login as a moderator in-game. Moderator=Moderator ; Administrator=String (Default: Administrator) ; Defines the group for those who login as an administrator in-game. Administrator=Administrator ; Defines moderator groups. ; Syntax: .= ; Properties: ; Access=Integer (Default: 0) ; LockIP=Bool (Default: Value of "LockIP") ; LockSteam=Bool (Default: Value of "LockSteam") ; KickLockMismatch=Bool (Default: Value of "KickLockMismatch") ; AutoAuthSteam=Bool (Default: Value of "AutoAuthSteam") ; AutoAuthIP=Bool (Default: Value of "AutoAuthIP") ; Next=String (Default: ) ; Prefix=String (Default: ) ; GamePrefix=String (Default: ) ; Player.Access=0 Player.Next=Trial Moderator Trial Moderator.Access=1 Trial Moderator.Prefix=07[Trial Mod] Trial Moderator.GamePrefix=+ Trial Moderator.Next=Half Moderator Half Moderator.Access=2 Half Moderator.Prefix=07[Half Mod] Half Moderator.GamePrefix=% Half Moderator.Next=Moderator Moderator.Access=3 Moderator.Prefix=07[Mod] Moderator.GamePrefix=@ Moderator.Next=Administrator Administrator.Access=4 Administrator.Prefix=07[Admin] Administrator.GamePrefix=& Administrator.Next=Owner Owner.Access=1337 Owner.Prefix=07[Owner] Owner.GamePrefix=~ ; [Player UUID] ; These sections will be added automatically by the "add" command. ; You can override any group property for a specific user in this section. ; Syntax: Property=Value ; ; Settings: ; SteamID=Integer (Default: 0) ; LastIP=String (Default: ) ; ; EOF