; Example Configuration File ; The configuration file should be named: Config.ini ; Eventually, the configuration file format itself will be an option. ; ; Definitions: ; A String is a series of characters (Text) ; An Integer is a whole number. ; A Bool is either true or false. ; A Float is a decimal number. ; ; [Config] ; This block is used to define settings that are global in nature. ; Currently, there is a "Servers" option to specify what sections ; to look at for server configuration options, and a "Plugins" ; option that specifies which plugins to load from the Plugins ; folder. ; DO NOT INCLUDE A PLUGIN'S FILE EXTENSION (.dll or .so). ; ; Required Settings: ; Servers=String (Format: Server1 Server2) ; ; Optional Settings: ; Plugins=String (Format: Plugin1 Plugin2) ; PluginsDirectory=String (Default: Plugins\) ; [Config] Servers=CnCIRC Plugins=CoreCommands PluginManager ExtraCommands RenX.Core RenX.Commands RenX.Logging RenX.Medals RenX.SetJoin ; [Default] ; ; This block is referenced only when a setting is not ; specified in a server's block. If a value is located ; neither in the server's block nor this one, then a ; crash or other unexpected behavior may occur. It is ; therefore recommended to have some sort of default ; value for all possible settings. ; ; Channel Configuring: ; Channels are given "types", which can determine various things such ; as auto-parting. A Channel of type -1 will automatically part itself. ; Channels can be configured in two ways: Active and Passive. ; Active channels are joined automatically. Passive channels are not, ; but can still be configured. ; ; Active Channels: ; Channel.Integer=String (Format: #Example [Password]) ; Channel.Integer.Type=Integer (-1 is auto-part) ; ; Passive Channels: ; Channel.String.Type=Integer ; ; Client address and port: ; The client address and port settings are entirely optional. These are ; only used under very special circumstances, and should otherwise ; not be specified. Unless you have a valid reason to need to bind the ; client to a specific address/port (such as connection limiations on a ; per-IP basis), do not set these. ; ; Settings: ; Hostname=String ("irc.cncirc.net" if unspecified) ; Port=Positive Integer (194 or 994 if unspecified) ; SSL=Bool ; STARTTLS=Bool (True if unspecified) ; Certificate=String (No SSL certificate used if unspecified) ; Key=String (Certificate file used if unspecified) ; SASL.Password=String (SASL disabled if unspecified) ; SASL.Account=String (Nickname if unspecified) ; Nick=String ("Jupiter" if unspecified) ; AltNick=String ; RealName=String ("Jupiter IRC Client" if unspecified) ; Channel.Type=Integer ; RawData.Integer=String (Example: OPER UserName Password) ; LogFile=String ; AutoJoinOnKick=Bool ; AutoPartMessage=String ; AutoReconnectDelay=Integer (Measured in seconds) ; MaxReconnectAttempts=Integer ; PrintOutput=Bool ; Prefix=String ; ClientAddress=String (Unused if unspecified) ; ClientPort=Integer (Unused if above is unspecified; defaults to 0) ; [Default] Port=6667 Nick=Jupiter AltNick=Jupiter` RealName=Jupiter IRC Framework by Agent AutoPartMessage=Auto-Parting Enabled AutoReconnect=1 MaxReconnectAttempts=3 AutoReconnectDelay=5 PrintOutput=1 Channel.Type=-1 Prefix=! ; [(ServerName)] ; ; Anything which can be set within the Default block can ; also be applied here. Values here supercede any value ; which is set within the Default block. ; [CnCIRC] ; CnCIRC includes the Renegade X IRC server. :) Hostname=irc.cncirc.net Nick=RenXBot AltNick=RXBot` Channel.1=#RenX-IRC Channel.1.Type=1 Channel.2=#RenX-IRC.Admin Channel.2.Type=2 SASL.Password=your_NickServ_Password LogFile=CnCIRC.txt [EKT] Hostname=irc.EliteKamikazeTeam.com Nick=RenXBot Channel.1=#RenX-IRC Channel.1.Type=1 SASL.Password=your_NickServ_Password LogFile=EKT.txt [St0rm] Hostname=irc.st0rm.net Nick=RenXBot AltNick=RXBot` Channel.1=#RenX-IRC Channel.1.Type=1 SASL.Password=your_NickServ_Password LogFile=St0rm.txt Prefix=! ; [DefaultCommands] ; You can modify the access requirements for any command here. ; Values set here will be set across all servers that do not have ; server-specific values set. ; ; To disable a command, set its access requirement to -1. ; ; Syntax: CommandTrigger=AccessLevel ; [DefaultCommands] msg=1 ; [(ServerName)Commands] ; You can modify the access requirements for any command here, on a ; per-server basis. Values specified here supercede those which are set ; in the DefaultCommands block. ; [CnCIRCCommands] msg=0 ; *************************************** ; Module Configurations ; *************************************** ; [RenX] ; ; Define servers for the RenX module to connect to here. ; The "Servers" setting here operates similarly to the "Servers" setting ; in the [Config] section. Specify a space-deliminated list here to point ; to configuration sections for each individual Renegade-X server. ; ; Settings: ; Servers=String (Format: Server1 Server2) ; TranslationsFile=String (Default: Translations.ini) ; CommandsFile=String (Default: RenXGameCommands.ini) ; TagDefinitions=String (Default: RenX.Tags) ; [RenX] Servers=RenX-Server1 RenX-Server2 ; !!!!! READ THIS !!!!! ; MAKE SURE TO SCROLL DOWN AND CHECK OUT THE SETTINGS ; FOR THE ANTI-CHEAT. THE SETTINGS FOR THE ANTI-CHEAT ; ARE UNDER [RenX.ExcessiveHeadshots]. ; !!!!! READ THIS !!!!!! ; Here is where you define each individual Renegade-X server! ; Server types are tied to channel types, such that servers will ; report only to a specific channel type, and commands executed ; in a channel will only affect servers with the same type as that ; channel. If left unspecified the type will be 0, which is the same ; as the default channel type. ; ; AdminChanType defines the type for administrator channels. ; This channel will include more verbose output, such as player IP ; addresses, Steam IDs, and events unaccounted for. ; ; Settings: ; Hostname=String (Default: Localhost) ; Port=Integer (Default: 7777) ; ClientAddress=String (Unused if unspecified) ; Password=String (Default: renx) ; ChanType=Integer (Default: 0) ; AdminChanType=Integer (Default: 0) ; CommandPrefix=String (Empty if unspecified) ; IRCPrefix=String (Unused if unspecified) ; Rules=String (Default: Anarchy!) ; ReconnectDelay=Integer (Default: 60; seconds between reconnect attempts) ; MaxReconnectAttempts=Integer (Default: -1; A negative value means no limit) ; UUIDMode=Integer (Default: 0; Steam=0, Nickname=1) ; RCONBan=Bool (Default: true) ; LocalIPBan=Bool (Default: true) ; LocalSteamBan=Bool (Default: true) ; LocalNameBan=Bool (Default: false) ; SteamFormat=Integer (Default: 16; Hex=16, Integer=10, Octal=8) ; NeverSay=Bool (Forces the bot to PM players instead of using "say"; Default: false) ; [RenX-Server1] Hostname=Localhost Port=7777 Password=renx ChanType=1 AdminChanType=2 CommandPrefix=! Rules=Hacking, cheating, or exploitation of any form is strictly prohibited. Please respect all players. [RenX-Server2] Hostname=Localhost Port=7778 Password=renx ChanType=3 AdminChanType=2 CommandPrefix=! IRCPrefix=07[Marathon] ; [RenX.Tags] ; ; ***** Global Tags ***** ; DateTag=String (Default: {DATE}) ; TimeTag=String (Default: {TIME}) ; ; ***** Server Tags ***** ; RCONVersionTag=String (Default: {RVER}) ; GameVersionTag=String (Default: {GVER}) ; XRCONVersionTag=String (Default: {XVER}) ; RulesTag=String (Default: {RULES}) ; ; ***** Player Tags ****** ; NameTag=String (Default: {NAME}) ; RawNameTag=String (Default: {RNAME}) ; IPTag=String (Default: {IP}) ; SteamTag=String (Default: {STEAM}) ; UUIDTag=String (Default: {UUID}) ; IDTag=String (Default: {ID}) ; AdminTag=String (Default: {ADMIN}) ; TeamColorTag=String (Default: {TCOLOR}) ; ShortTeamTag=String (Default: {TEAMS}) ; LongTeamTag=String (Default: {TEAML}) ; PingTag=String (Default: {PING}) ; ScoreTag=String (Default: {SCORE}) ; CreditsTag=String (Default: {CREDITS}) ; KillsTag=String (Default: {KILLS}) ; DeathsTag=String (Default: {DEATHS}) ; KDRTag=String (Default: {KDR}) ; SuicidesTag=String (Default: {SUICIDES}) ; HeadshotsTag=String (Default: {HEADSHOTS}) ; VehicleKillsTag=String (Default: {VEHICLEKILLS}) ; BuildingKillsTag=String (Default: {BUILDINGKILLS}) ; DefenceKillsTag=String (Default: {DEFENCEKILLS}) ; WinsTag=String (Default: {WINS}) ; LosesTag=String (Default: {LOSES}) ; BeaconPlacementsTag=String (Default: {BEACONPLACEMENTS}) ; AccessTag=String (Default: {ACCESS}) ; ; ***** Victim Tags ***** ; VictimNameTag=String (Default: {VNAME}) ; VictimIPTag=String (Default: {VRNAME}) ; VictimSteamTag=String (Default: {VSTEAM}) ; VictimUUIDTag=String (Default: {VUUID}) ; VictimIDTag=String (Default: {VID}) ; VictimAdminTag=String (Default: {VADMIN}) ; VictimTeamColorTag=String (Default: {VTCOLOR}) ; VictimShortTeamTag=String (Default: {VTEAMS}) ; VictimLongTeamTag=String (Default: {VTEAML}) ; VictimPingTag=String (Default: {VPING}) ; VictimScoreTag=String (Default: {VSCORE}) ; VictimCreditsTag=String (Default: {VCREDITS}) ; VictimKillsTag=String (Default: {VKILLS}) ; VictimDeathsTag=String (Default: {VDEATHS}) ; VictimKDRTag=String (Default: {VKDR}) ; VictimSuicidesTag=String (Default: {VSUICIDES}) ; VictimHeadshotsTag=String (Default: {VHEADSHOTS}) ; VictimVehicleKillsTag=String (Default: {VVEHICLEKILLS}) ; VictimBuildingKillsTag=String (Default: {VBUILDINGKILLS}) ; VictimDefenceKillsTag=String (Default: {VDEFENCEKILLS}) ; VictimWinsTag=String (Default: {VWINS}) ; VictimLosesTag=String (Default: {VLOSES}) ; VictimBeaconPlacementsTag=String (Default: {VBEACONPLACEMENTS}) ; VictimAccessTag=String (Default: {VACCESS}) ; ; ***** Other Tags ***** ; WeaponTag=String (Default: {WEAPON}) ; ObjectTag=String (Default: {OBJECT}) ; MessageTag=String (Default: {MESSAGE}) ; NewNameTag=String (Default: {NNAME}; used exclusively for NameChangeFormat) ; WinScoreTag=String (Default: {WINSCORE}; used exclusively for GameOver formats) ; LoseScoreTag=String (Default: {LOSESCORE}; used exclusively for GameOver formats) ; [RenX.Tags] ; [RenX.Commands] ; TBanTime=Integer (Default: 86400; Time in seconds) ; PlayerInfoFormat=String (Default: 03[Player Info]{TCOLOR} Name: {RNAME} - ID: {ID} - Team: {TEAML} - Vehicle Kills: {VEHICLEKILLS} - Building Kills {BUILDINGKILLS} - Kills {KILLS} - Deaths: {DEATHS} - KDR: {KDR} - Access: {ACCESS}") ; AdminPlayerInfoFormat=String (Default: PlayerInfoFormat - IP: {IP} - Steam ID: {STEAM}) ; [RenX.Commands] TBanTime=86400 ; [RenX.ModSystem] ; ModsFile=String (Default: Mods.ini) ; [RenX.ModSystem] ModsFile=Mods.ini ; [RenX.ExcessiveHeadshots] ; This is a completely optional statistic-based anti-cheat. ; The average aimbotter with rate-of-fire hacks will generally manage ; a headshot-kill ratio of about .66. ; ; These settings are all entirely optional; if they're not specified, ; then they will still default to the values listed below. ; ; HOW IT WORKS: ; Each setting is used for matching conditions in a flag-testing process. ; When the proper number of flags have been thrown, the player will ; be immediately banned from the server. To set the number of flags, ; set the "Flags" setting. ; ; Settings: ; HeadshotKillRatio=Float (Headshots/Kills) ; Kills=Integer (How many kills before a flag is set) ; KillDeathRatio=Float (Kills / Deaths) ; KillsPerSecond=Float (Kills / Player game time in seconds) ; MaxGameTime=Integer (Seconds after joining before dropping flag) ; Flags=Integer (Must be AT LEAST 2) ; ; Example scenario using default settings: ; A player joins your server. Within 2 minutes, they've racked 10 kills. ; Since they've been in-game for less than 180 seconds, they have 1 ; flag against them. Since they've reached 10 kills, they have another ; flag against them. Since they've obtained 10 kills in 120 seconds, their ; KPS is 0.08, which does not set off a flag. They now have 3 flags. If ; they get one more flag on this kill, they will be banned. The final flag ; in this scenario is the headshot-kill ratio. If half of their kills are from ; headshots, the final flag is set, and they're banned. If it's below half, ; they get to stay and enjoy the game. ; [RenX.ExcessiveHeadshots] HeadshotKillRatio=0.5 Kills=10 KillDeathRatio=5.0 KillsPerSecond=0.1 MaxGameTime=180 Flags=4 ; [RenX.Logging] ; ; This plugin logs game events to IRC public and administrative channels. ; To prevent an event from logging to public channels, set the below ; corresponding setting to "false". Some events are set to "false" by default. ; ; To disable an event completely, set its logging format to an empty string. ; For an example, refer to the default CommandFormat value. ; ; Settings: ; JoinPublic=Bool (Default: true) ; PartPublic=Bool (Default: true) ; NameChangePublic=Bool (Default: true) ; TeamChangePublic=Bool (Default: true) ; PlayerPublic=Bool (Default: false) ; ChatPublic=Bool (Default: true) ; TeamChatPublic=Bool (Default: true) ; HostChatPublic=Bool (Default: true) ; HostPagePublic=Bool (Default: false) ; OtherPublic=Bool (Default: false) ; DeployPublic=Bool (Default: true) ; MineDeployPublic=Bool (Default: false) ; DisarmPublic=Bool (Default: true) ; MineDisarmPublic=Bool (Default: false) ; ExplodePublic=Bool (Default: false) ; SuicidePublic=Bool (Default: true) ; KillPublic=Bool (Default: true) ; DiePublic=Bool (Default: true) ; DestroyPublic=Bool (Default: true) ; CapturePublic=Bool (Default: true) ; NeutralizePublic=Bool (Default: true) ; CharacterPurchasePublic=Bool (Default: false) ; ItemPurchasePublic=Bool (Default: false) ; WeaponPurchasePublic=Bool (Default: false) ; RefillPurchasePublic=Bool (Default: false) ; VehiclePurchasePublic=Bool (Default: false) ; VehicleSpawnPublic=Bool (Default: true) ; SpawnPublic=Bool (Default: true) ; BotJoinPublic=Bool (Default: true) ; VehicleCratePublic=Bool (Default: false) ; DeathCratePublic=Bool (Default: false) ; MoneyCratePublic=Bool (Default: false) ; CharacterCratePublic=Bool (Default: false) ; SpyCratePublic=Bool (Default: false) ; RefillCratePublic=Bool (Default: false) ; StealPublic=Bool (Default: true) ; DonatePublic=Bool (Default: true) ; GamePublic=Bool (Default: true) ; GameOverPublic=Bool (Default: true) ; ExecutePublic=Bool (Default: false) ; SubscribePublic=Bool (Default: false) ; RCONPublic=Bool (Default: false) ; AdminLoginPublic=Bool (Default: true) ; AdminGrantPublic=Bool (Default: true) ; AdminLogoutPublic=Bool (Default: true) ; AdminPublic=Bool (Default: false) ; VoteCallPublic=Bool (Default: true) ; VoteOverPublic=Bool (Default: true) ; VoteCancelPublic=Bool (Default: true) ; VotePublic=Bool (Default: false) ; MapChangePublic=Bool (Default: true) ; MapLoadPublic=Bool (Default: true) ; MapPublic=Bool (Default: false) ; DemoRecordPublic=Bool (Default: true) ; DemoRecordStopPublic=Bool (Default: true) ; DemoPublic=Bool (Default: false) ; LogPublic=Bool (Default: false) ; CommandPublic=Bool (Default: false) ; ErrorPublic=Bool (Default: false) ; VersionPublic=Bool (Default: true) ; AuthorizedPublic=Bool (Default: true) ; OtherPublic=Bool (Default: false) ; ; ***** Formats ***** ; JoinPublicFormat=String (Default: 12[Join] {NAME} joined the game fighting for the {TEAML}!) ; JoinAdminFormat=String (Default: 12[Join] {NAME} joined the game fighting for the {TEAML} from {IP} using Steam ID {STEAM}.) ; JoinNoSteamAdminFormat=String (Default: 12[Join] {NAME} joined the game fighting for the {TEAML} from {IP}, but is not using Steam.) ; PartFormat=String (Default: 12[Part] {NAME} has left the {TEAML}.) ; PlayerExecuteFormat=String (Default: {NAME}07 executed: {MESSAGE}) ; PlayerFormat=String (Default: 12[Player] {MESSAGE}) ; NameChangeFormat=String (Default: {NAME} has changed their name to {NNAME}.) ; TeamChangeFormat=String (Default: {NAME} switched teams!) ; ChatFormat=String (Default: {NAME}: {MESSAGE}) ; TeamChatFormat=String (Default: {NAME}: {MESSAGE}) ; HostChatFormat=String (Default: 12Host0: {MESSAGE}) ; HostPageFormat=String (Default: 12(Host -> {RNAME}): {MESSAGE}) ; OtherChatFormat=String (Default: 06[Other Chat] {MESSAGE}) ; DeployFormat=String (Default: {NAME} deployed a {OBJECT}) ; MineDeplyFormat=String (Default: DeployFormat) ; DisarmFormat=String (Default: {NAME} disarmed {VNAME}'s {OBJECT}) ; MineDisarmFormat=String (Default: DisarmFormat) ; DisarmNoOwnerFormat=String (Default: {NAME} disarmed a {OBJECT}) ; MineDisarmNoOwnerFormat=String (Default: DisarmNoOwnerFormat) ; SuicideFormat=String (Default: {NAME} suicided (death by 12{WEAPON}).) ; KillFormat=String (Default: {NAME} killed {VNAME} ({TCOLOR}{CHAR}/{WEAPON} vs {VTCOLOR}{VCHAR}).) ; KillFormat2=String (Default: {TCOLOR}{NAME} killed {VNAME} (12{WEAPON}).) ; DieFormat=String (Default: {NAME} died (12{WEAPON}).) ; DieFormat2=String (Default: {TCOLOR}{NAME} died (12{WEAPON}).) ; DestroyBuildingFormat=String (Default: {NAME} destroyed the {VTCOLOR}{OBJECT} (12{WEAPON}).) ; DestroyBuildingFormat2=String (Default: {TCOLOR}{NAME} destroyed the {VTCOLOR}{OBJECT} (12{WEAPON}).) ; DestroyDefenceFormat=String (Default: {NAME} destroyed a {VTCOLOR}{OBJECT} (12{WEAPON}).) ; DestroyDefenceFormat2=String (Default: {TCOLOR}{NAME} destroyed a {VTCOLOR}{OBJECT} (12{WEAPON}).) ; DestroyVehicleFormat=String (Default: {NAME} destroyed a {VTCOLOR}{OBJECT} (12{WEAPON}).) ; DestroyVehicleFormat2=String (Default: {TCOLOR}{NAME} destroyed a {VTCOLOR}{OBJECT} (12{WEAPON}).) ; CaptureFormat=String(Default: {NAME} captured the {VTCOLOR}{VNAME}.) ; NeutralizeFormat=String(Default: {NAME} neutralized the {VTCOLOR}{VNAME}.) ; CharacterPurchaseFormat=String(Default: {NAME} purchased a {TCOLOR}{VCHAR}.) ; ItemPurchaseFormat=String(Default: {NAME} purchased a {TCOLOR}{OBJECT}.) ; WeaponPurchaseFormat=String(Default: {NAME} purchased a {TCOLOR}{WEAPON}.) ; RefillPurchaseFormat=String(Default: {NAME} purchased a {TCOLOR}refill.) ; VehiclePurchaseFormat=String(Default: {NAME} purchased a {TCOLOR}{VVEH}.) ; VehicleSpawnFormat=String(Default: A {TCOLOR}{VEH} has spawned.) ; SpawnFormat=String(Default: {NAME} spawned as a {TCOLOR}{VCHAR}.) ; BotJoinFormat=String(Default: {NAME} online.) ; VehicleCrateFormat=String(Default: {NAME} picked up a {VVEH} vehicle crate.) ; DeathCrateFormat=String(Default: {NAME} picked up a 12death crate.) ; MoneyCrateFormat=String(Default: {NAME} picked up 09{OBJECT} credits from a 12money crate.) ; CharacterCrateFormat=String(Default: {NAME} picked up a {TCOLOR}{VCHAR} 12character crate.) ; SpyCrateFormat=String(Default: {NAME} picked up a {TCOLOR}{VCHAR} 12spy crate.) ; RefillCrateFormat=String(Default: {NAME} picked up a {TCOLOR}refill crate.) ; StealFormat=String(Default: {NAME} stole {VNAME}'s {OBJECT}!) ; StealNoOwnerFormat=String(Default: {NAME} stole a 12{OBJET}!) ; DonateFormat=String(Default: {NAME} donated 09{OBJECT} credits to {VNAME}.) ; GameOverFormat=String (Default: 03[Game]{TCOLOR} The {TEAML} won by {MESSAGE}) ; GameOverTieNoWinFormat=String (Default: 03[Game]10 The battle ended in a {MESSAGE} - Victory handed to  {TCOLOR}{TEAML}) ; GameOverTieFormat=String (Default: 03[Game]10 The battle ended in a {MESSAGE}) ; GameOverScoreFormat=String (Default: 03[Game]{TCOLOR} {TEAML}: {WINSCORE} | {VTCOLOR}{VTEAML}: {LOSESCORE}) ; GameFormat=String (Default: 03[Game] {MESSAGE}) ; ExecuteFormat=String (Default: 07{NAME} executed: {MESSAGE}) ; SubscribeFormat=String (Default: 03{NAME} has subscribed to the RCON data stream.) ; RCONFormat=String (Default: 05[RCON] {MESSAGE}) ; AdminLoginFormat=String (Default: 07[Admin] {NAME} has logged in with 07{ADMIN} IRCNORMAL privledges.) ; AdminGrantFormat=String (Default: 07[Admin] {NAME} has been granted 07{ADMIN} IRCNORMAL privledges.) ; AdminLogoutFormat=String (Default: 07[Admin] {NAME} has logged out of their 07{ADMIN} IRCNORMAL privledges.) ; AdminFormat=String (Default: 07[Admin] {MESSAGE}) ; VoteCallFormat=String(Default: ) ; VoteOverSuccessFormat=String(Default: ) ; VoteOverFailFormat=String(Default: ) ; VoteCancelFormat=String(Default: ) ; VoteFormat=String(Default: ) ; MapChangeFormat=String(Default: ) ; MapLoadFormat=String(Default: ) ; MapFormat=String(Default: ) ; DemoRecordFormat=String(Default: ) ; RCONDemoRecordFormat=String(Default: ) ; DemoRecordStopFormat=String(Default: ) ; DemoFormat=String(Default: ) ; LogFormat=String (Default: 07[Log] {MESSAGE}) ; CommandFormat=String (Default: ) ; ErrorFormat=String (Default: 04[Error] {MESSAGE}) ; VersionFormat=String (Default: 03Renegade X RCON connection established; using RCON verison {RVER} for game version {GVER}) ; AuthorizedFormat=String (Default: 03RCON authorization completed.) ; OtherFormat=String (Default: 06[Other] {MESSAGE}) ; [RenX.Logging] ExecuteFormat= ; [RenX.ExtraLogging] ; ; This plugin enables the dumping RCON's raw output to the console ; and to a file. This is helpful for debugging purposes, as well as just ; general logging. ; ; Settings: ; LogFile=String (File logging disabled if unspecified) ; [RenX.ExtraLogging] LogFile=RenX.txt ; [RenX.Ladder] ; LadderDatabase=String (Default: Ladder.db; name of file to store ladder entries in) ; OnlyPure=Bool (Default: false; when true, only "pure" games should count) ; OutputTimes=Bool (Default: true; when true, sort/write statistics are shown) ; MaxLadderCommandPartNameOutput=Integer (Default: 5; how many partial matches to show in "ladder" command) ; [RenX.Ladder] ; [RenX.Announcements] ; ; This plugin sends global messages to players based on text within a ; file. ; For format specifiers, please see the format table at: ; http://www.cplusplus.com/reference/ctime/strftime/ ; ; Settings: ; File=String (Default: Announcements.txt; File containing announcements) ; Delay=Integer (Default: 60; Number of seconds between announcements) ; Random=Bool (Default: false; True causes announcements to have no order) ; DateFormat=String (Default: %A, %B %d, %Y; see above for format specifiers) ; TimeFormat=String (Default: %H:%M:%S; see above for format specifiers) ; [RenX.Announcements] File=Announcements.txt Delay=60 Random=false DateTag={DATE} TimeTag={TIME} RulesTag={RULES} DateFormat=%A, %B %d, %Y TimeFormat=%H:%M:%S ; [RenX.Medals] ; ; DataFile=String (Default: Medals.ini) ; JoinMessageFile=String (Default: Medals.Join.ini) ; KillCongratDelay=Integer (Default: 60) ; VehicleKillCongratDelay=Integer (Default: 60) ; KDRCongratDelay=Integer (Default: 60) ; [RenX.Medals] DataFile=Medals.ini JoinMessageFile=Medals.Join.ini ; [RenX.Greetings] ; ; Put each greeting message on its own line in your GreetingsFile. ; NameTag will be replaced by the player's name; IPTag replaced ; with the player's IP; SteamTag replaced with the player's Steam ID; ; and UUIDTag replace with the player's UUID. ; ; GreetingsFile=String (Default: RenX.Greetings.txt) ; NameTag=String (Default: {NAME}) ; IPTag=String (Default: {IP}) ; SteamTag=String (Default: {STEAM}) ; UUIDTag=String (Default: {UUID}) ; SendPrivate=Bool (Default: True; Send as a private message?) ; SendMode=Integer (Default: 0; 0 = Random Order, 1 = Sequential Order, 2 = Send All) ; [RenX.Greetings] GreetingsFile=RenX.Greetings.txt NameTag={NAME} ; [RenX.IRCJoin] ; ; PublicOnly=Bool (Default: true; true to only relay for public channels) ; NameTag=String (Default: {NAME}) ; ChannelTag=String (Default: {CHAN} ; PartReasonTag=String (Default: {REASON} ; Join.MsgAlways=Bool (Default: false; Message when server is empty) ; Join.MinAccess=Integer (Default: 0; minimum access level to relay) ; Join.MaxAccess=Integer (Default: -1; max access level to relay (-1 to disable)) ; Join.Format=String (Default: {NAME} has joined {CHAN}!) ; Part.MsgAlways=Bool (Default: false; Message when server is empty) ; Part.MinAccess=Integer (Default: 0; minimum access level to relay) ; Part.MaxAccess=Integer (Default: -1; max access level to relay (-1 to disable)) ; Part.Format=String (Default: {NAME} has left {CHAN} ({REASON})!) ; Part.FormatNoReason=String (Default: {NAME} has left {CHAN}!) ; [RenX.IRCJoin] PublicOnly=true NameTag={NAME} ChannelTag={CHAN} PartReasonTag={REASON} Join.MsgAlways=false Join.MinAccess=0 Join.MaxAccess=-1 Join.Format={NAME} has joined {CHAN}!) Part.MsgAlways=false Part.MinAccess=0 Part.MaxAccess=-1 Part.Format={NAME} has left {CHAN} ({REASON})! Part.FormatNoReason={NAME} has left {CHAN}! ; [RenX.Warn] ; MaxWarns=Integer (Default: 3) ; WarnAction=Integer (Default: -1; -1 = Kick; 0 = Perm Ban; Other Number (Seconds) = Timed Ban) ; [RenX.Warn] ; [RenX.MinPlayers] ; PlayerThreshold=Integer (Default: 20; number of players + bots to normalize) ; [RenX.MinPlayers] ; [SetJoins] ; Join messages are stored here. ; Note: Usage of the "setjoin" command syncs the memory-stored ; file to the drive, which will destroy all comments in the process. ; ; String(User)=String(SetJoin) ; [SetJoins] ; [RenX.SetJoin] ; Renenegade-X game join messages are stored here. ; Note: Usage of the "setjoin" command syncs the memory-stored ; file to the drive, which will destroy all comments in the process. ; ; String(User)=String(SetJoin) ; [RenX.SetJoin] ;EOF