/** * Copyright (C) 2014-2016 Jessica James. * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES * WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY * SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES * WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN ACTION * OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN * CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. * * Written by Jessica James */ #include #include "Jupiter/INIFile.h" #include "Jupiter/Functions.h" #include "SetJoin.h" #include "IRC_Bot.h" void SetJoinPlugin::OnJoin(Jupiter::IRC::Client *server, const Jupiter::ReadableString &chan, const Jupiter::ReadableString &nick) { const Jupiter::ReadableString &setjoin = this->config.get(server->getConfigSection(), nick); if (setjoin.isNotEmpty()) { if (setjoin == nullptr) server->sendNotice(nick, STRING_LITERAL_AS_REFERENCE("No setjoin has been set for you. To set one, use the !setjoin command")); else server->sendMessage(chan, Jupiter::StringS::Format(IRCBOLD IRCCOLOR "07[%.*s]" IRCCOLOR IRCBOLD ": %.*s", nick.size(), nick.ptr(), setjoin.size(), setjoin.ptr())); } } SetJoinPlugin pluginInstance; // SetJoin Command void SetJoinIRCCommand::create() { this->addTrigger(STRING_LITERAL_AS_REFERENCE("setJoin")); } void SetJoinIRCCommand::trigger(IRC_Bot *source, const Jupiter::ReadableString &channel, const Jupiter::ReadableString &nick, const Jupiter::ReadableString ¶meters) { if (parameters.isNotEmpty()) { pluginInstance.setjoin_file.set(source->getConfigSection(), nick, parameters); pluginInstance.setjoin_file.sync(); source->sendMessage(channel, STRING_LITERAL_AS_REFERENCE("Your join message has been set.")); } else source->sendMessage(channel, STRING_LITERAL_AS_REFERENCE("Too few parameters! Syntax: setjoin ")); } const Jupiter::ReadableString &SetJoinIRCCommand::getHelp(const Jupiter::ReadableString &) { static STRING_LITERAL_AS_NAMED_REFERENCE(defaultHelp, "Sets your join message. Syntax: setjoin "); return defaultHelp; } IRC_COMMAND_INIT(SetJoinIRCCommand) // ViewJoin Command void ViewJoinIRCCommand::create() { this->addTrigger(STRING_LITERAL_AS_REFERENCE("viewJoin")); this->addTrigger(STRING_LITERAL_AS_REFERENCE("vJoin")); } void ViewJoinIRCCommand::trigger(IRC_Bot *source, const Jupiter::ReadableString &channel, const Jupiter::ReadableString &nick, const Jupiter::ReadableString ¶meters) { const Jupiter::ReadableString &target = parameters.isEmpty() ? nick : parameters; const Jupiter::ReadableString &r = pluginInstance.setjoin_file.get(source->getConfigSection(), target); if (r.isEmpty()) source->sendMessage(channel, Jupiter::StringS::Format("No setjoin has been set for \"%.*s\".", target.size(), target.ptr())); else source->sendMessage(channel, Jupiter::StringS::Format(IRCBOLD IRCCOLOR "07[%.*s]" IRCCOLOR IRCBOLD ": %.*s", target.size(), target.ptr(), r.size(), r.ptr())); } const Jupiter::ReadableString &ViewJoinIRCCommand::getHelp(const Jupiter::ReadableString &) { static STRING_LITERAL_AS_NAMED_REFERENCE(defaultHelp, "Views a user's join message. Syntax: viewjoin [user=you]"); return defaultHelp; } IRC_COMMAND_INIT(ViewJoinIRCCommand) // DelJoin Command void DelJoinIRCCommand::create() { this->addTrigger(STRING_LITERAL_AS_REFERENCE("delJoin")); this->addTrigger(STRING_LITERAL_AS_REFERENCE("dJoin")); } void DelJoinIRCCommand::trigger(IRC_Bot *source, const Jupiter::ReadableString &channel, const Jupiter::ReadableString &nick, const Jupiter::ReadableString ¶meters) { if (pluginInstance.setjoin_file.remove(source->getConfigSection(), nick)) source->sendNotice(nick, STRING_LITERAL_AS_REFERENCE("Your setjoin has been deleted successfully.")); else source->sendNotice(nick, STRING_LITERAL_AS_REFERENCE("No setjoin was found to delete.")); } const Jupiter::ReadableString &DelJoinIRCCommand::getHelp(const Jupiter::ReadableString &) { static STRING_LITERAL_AS_NAMED_REFERENCE(defaultHelp, "Deletes your join message. Syntax: deljoin"); return defaultHelp; } IRC_COMMAND_INIT(DelJoinIRCCommand) // Plugin instantiation and entry point. extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) Jupiter::Plugin *getPlugin() { return &pluginInstance; }