; Translations.ini ; The name of this file can be specified in the primary configuration file ; as "TranslationsFile" under "RenX". ; ; [Name] ; This section translates names of presets to more human-friendly strings. ; These override the default presets. ; Example: Rx_Vehicle_Artillery=Nod Artillery ; [Name] ; [TeamColor] ; Overrides the color strings for IRC message formatting. ; ; Settings: ; Nod=String (Default: 04) ; GDI=String (Default: 08) ; Other=String (Default: 14) ; [TeamColor] ; [LongTeamName] ; Overrides the long team name translations ; ; Settings: ; Nod=String (Default: Brotherhood of Nod) ; GDI=String (Default: Global Defense Initiative) ; Other=String (Default: Unknown) [LongTeamName] ; [ShortTeamName] ; Overrides the short team name translations ; ; Settings: ; Nod=String (Default: Nod) ; GDI=String (Default: GDI) ; Other=String (Default: Other) [ShortTeamName] ; [WinType] ; This section translates win types into human-readable strings. ; ; Settings: ; Score=String (Default: Domination (High Score)) ; Base=String (Default: Conquest (Base Destruction)) ; Beacon=String (Default: Espionage (Beacon)) ; Tie=String (Default: Draw (Tie)) ; Shutdown=String (Default: Ceasefire (Shutdown)) ; Unknown=String (Default: Aliens (Unknown)) ; [WinType] ; [WinTypePlain] ; This section translates plain win types into human-readable strings. ; ; Settings: ; Score=String (Default: High Score) ; Base=String (Default: Base Destruction) ; Beacon=String (Default: Beacon) ; Tie=String (Default: Tie) ; Shutdown=String (Default: Shutdown) ; Unknown=String (Default: Unknown) ; [WinTypePlain] ; EOF