; File: Config.ini ; ; Definitions: ; A String is a series of characters (Text) ; An Integer is a whole number. ; A Bool is either true or false. ; A Float is a decimal number. ; ; This block is used to define settings that are global in nature. ; Currently, there is a "Servers" option to specify what sections ; to look at for server configuration options, and a "Plugins" ; option that specifies which plugins to load from the Plugins ; folder. ; DO NOT INCLUDE A PLUGIN'S FILE EXTENSION (.dll or .so). ; ; Settings: ; Plugins=String (Format: Plugin1 Plugin2 ...); list of plugins to load ; PluginsDirectory=String (Default: Plugins\); directory where plugin binaries are ; ConfigsDirectory=String (Default: Configs\); directory where plugin configs are ; Plugins=IRC.Core CoreCommands PluginManager ExtraCommands RenX.Core RenX.Commands RenX.Logging RenX.Medals ;EOF