; RenXGameCommands.ini ; The name of this file can be specified in the primary configuration file ; as "CommandsFile" under "RenX". ; [(Server)] ; ; Command=Integer (Default undefined; overrides a command's access level) ; [Server] ; [(Server).Basic] ; ; Command=String (Default undefined; adds a basic command to the command list which returns this string) ; [Default.Basic] irc=Please set or remove the "irc" command in Jupiter's RenXGameCommands.ini file. ts=Please set or remove the "irc" command in Jupiter's RenXGameCommands.ini file. web=Please set or remove the "irc" command in Jupiter's RenXGameCommands.ini file. [Server.Basic] ; [(Server).Basic.Help] ; ; Command=String (Default undefined; defines the result for !help for a basic command) ; [Default.Basic.Help] irc=Displays this server's IRC server information. ts=Displays this server's TeamSpeak server information. web=Displays this server's website information. [Server.Basic.Help] ; [(Server).Aliases] ; ; Command=String (No default; adds a list of triggers to a command) ; [Server.Aliases] ; EOF