@ECHO OFF if NOT "%1" == "-scr" ECHO Copyright (C) 2014-2017 Jessica James. All rights reserved. ECHO. SET Platform=Win32 SET NoArgs=False if "%1" == "" SET NoArgs=True :ParseParams: if "%1" == "-platform" ( SET Platform=%2 SHIFT /1 GOTO ParseParamsCondition ) if "%1" == "/?" GOTO Help if "%1" == "-help" GOTO Help if "%1" == "--help" GOTO Help if "%1" == "-clean" GOTO CleanUp if "%1" == "-binary" GOTO BinaryCopy if "%1" == "-source" GOTO SourceCopy :ParseParamsCondition: SHIFT /1 if NOT "%1" == "" GOTO ParseParams :EndParseParams: CALL %0 -scr -platform %Platform% -clean CALL %0 -scr -platform %Platform% -binary CALL %0 -scr -platform %Platform% -source if %NoArgs% == "True" GOTO Done GOTO EOF :Help: ECHO This is a convenience script to assist in build release. ECHO Usage: %0 [-clean/-binary/-source] ECHO. ECHO Clean: Deletes any contents from previous builds. ECHO Binary: Copies and ZIPS the essential binaries to run the applicaiton. ECHO Source: Copies and ZIPS the source code to run the application. ECHO. ECHO If no parameters are given, then all functions will be executed. ECHO. ECHO If a parameter other than "-clean", "-binary", or "-source" is given, ECHO then the program will execute all functions without pausing at the end. ECHO. ECHO Program execution order: ECHO Clean ECHO Binary ECHO Source ECHO. ECHO Dependencies: ECHO COPY, ROBOCOPY, DEL, RMDIR, PAUSE, ECHO, GOTO, IF, CALL GOTO EOF :CleanUp: RMDIR /S /Q "..\Jupiter Bot Binaries" RMDIR /S /Q "..\Jupiter Bot Source" DEL /F /Q "..\Jupiter Bot Binaries.zip" DEL /F /Q "..\Jupiter Bot.zip" GOTO EOF :BinaryCopy: ROBOCOPY "%Platform%\Release\\" "..\Jupiter Bot Binaries\\" *.dll *.exe /S /xf Tester.exe ROBOCOPY "Configs\\" "..\Jupiter Bot Binaries\Configs\\" * ROBOCOPY ".\\" "..\Jupiter Bot Binaries\\" *.ini *.txt LICENSE "C:\Program Files\WinRAR\WinRAR.exe" a -r "..\Jupiter Bot Binaries.zip" "..\Jupiter Bot Binaries" GOTO EOF :SourceCopy: ROBOCOPY ".\\" "..\Jupiter Bot Source\\" *.* /S /XD Win32 x64 .* ROBOCOPY "%Platform%\Release\\" "..\Jupiter Bot Source\%Platform%\Release\\" *.dll *.exe /S ROBOCOPY "Configs\\" "..\Jupiter Bot Source\Configs\\" * ROBOCOPY ".\\" "..\Jupiter Bot Source\\" *.ini *.txt LICENSE "C:\Program Files\WinRAR\WinRAR.exe" a -r "..\Jupiter Bot.zip" "..\Jupiter Bot Source" GOTO EOF :Done: ECHO Operations complete. PAUSE GOTO EOF :EOF: