; File: Config.ini ; ; Definitions: ; A String is a series of characters (Text) ; An Integer is a whole number. ; A Bool is either true or false. ; A Float is a decimal number. ; ; [Config] ; This block is used to define settings that are global in nature. ; Currently, there is a "Servers" option to specify what sections ; to look at for server configuration options, and a "Plugins" ; option that specifies which plugins to load from the Plugins ; folder. ; DO NOT INCLUDE A PLUGIN'S FILE EXTENSION (.dll or .so). ; ; Required Settings: ; Servers=String (Format: Server1 Server2) ; ; Optional Settings: ; Plugins=String (Format: Plugin1 Plugin2) ; PluginsDirectory=String (Default: Plugins\) ; [Config] Servers=CnCIRC Plugins=CoreCommands PluginManager ExtraCommands RenX.Core RenX.Commands RenX.Logging RenX.Medals RenX.SetJoin ; [Default] ; ; This block is referenced only when a setting is not ; specified in a server's block. If a value is located ; neither in the server's block nor this one, then a ; crash or other unexpected behavior may occur. It is ; therefore recommended to have some sort of default ; value for all possible settings. ; ; Channel Configuring: ; Channels are given "types", which can determine various things such ; as auto-parting. A Channel of type -1 will automatically part itself. ; Channels can be configured in two ways: Active and Passive. ; Active channels are joined automatically. Passive channels are not, ; but can still be configured. ; ; Active Channels: ; Channel.Integer=String (Format: #Example [Password]) ; Channel.Integer.Type=Integer (-1 is auto-part) ; ; Passive Channels: ; Channel.String.Type=Integer ; ; Client address and port: ; The client address and port settings are entirely optional. These are ; only used under very special circumstances, and should otherwise ; not be specified. Unless you have a valid reason to need to bind the ; client to a specific address/port (such as connection limiations on a ; per-IP basis), do not set these. ; ; Settings: ; Hostname=String ("irc.cncirc.net" if unspecified) ; Port=Positive Integer (194 or 994 if unspecified) ; SSL=Bool ; STARTTLS=Bool (True if unspecified) ; Certificate=String (No SSL certificate used if unspecified) ; Key=String (Certificate file used if unspecified) ; SASL.Password=String (SASL disabled if unspecified) ; SASL.Account=String (Nickname if unspecified) ; Nick=String ("Jupiter" if unspecified) ; AltNick=String ; RealName=String ("Jupiter IRC Client" if unspecified) ; Channel.Type=Integer ; RawData.Integer=String (Example: OPER UserName Password) ; LogFile=String ; AutoJoinOnKick=Bool ; AutoPartMessage=String ; AutoReconnectDelay=Integer (Measured in seconds) ; MaxReconnectAttempts=Integer ; PrintOutput=Bool ; Prefix=String ; ClientAddress=String (Unused if unspecified) ; ClientPort=Integer (Unused if above is unspecified; defaults to 0) ; [Default] Port=6667 Nick=Jupiter AltNick=Jupiter` RealName=Jupiter IRC Framework by Agent AutoPartMessage=Auto-Parting Enabled AutoReconnect=1 MaxReconnectAttempts=3 AutoReconnectDelay=5 PrintOutput=1 Channel.Type=-1 Prefix=! ; [(ServerName)] ; ; Anything which can be set within the Default block can ; also be applied here. Values here supercede any value ; which is set within the Default block. ; [CnCIRC] ; CnCIRC includes the Renegade X IRC server. :) Hostname=irc.cncirc.net Nick=RenXBot AltNick=RXBot` Channel.1=#RenX-IRC Channel.1.Type=1 Channel.2=#RenX-IRC.Admin Channel.2.Type=2 SASL.Password=your_NickServ_Password LogFile=CnCIRC.txt [CT] Hostname=irc.ConstructiveTyranny.com Nick=RenXBot Channel.1=#RenX-IRC Channel.1.Type=1 Channel.2=#RenX-IRC.Admin Channel.2.Type=2 RawData.1=PRIVMSG NickServ :IDENTIFY your_NickServ_Password LogFile=CT.txt ; [DefaultCommands] ; You can modify the access requirements for any command here. ; Values set here will be set across all servers that do not have ; server-specific values set. ; ; To disable a command, set its access requirement to -1. ; ; Syntax: CommandTrigger=AccessLevel ; [DefaultCommands] msg=1 ; [(ServerName)Commands] ; You can modify the access requirements for any command here, on a ; per-server basis. Values specified here supercede those which are set ; in the DefaultCommands block. ; [CnCIRCCommands] msg=0 ;EOF