; File: RenX.Relay.ini ; ; Function: ; Relays RCON messages and commands to and from an upstream RCON client (i.e: devbot). This allows for direct scaling ; of server listing or leaderboard services, cutting back on extraneous bandwidth usage, and sanitizing messages for ; sensitive player information. ; ; Sanitizer Rationale: ; Certain server owners report great unease about a particular Totem Arts sysadmin who globally logs various bits of ; player personal information for every player including but not limited to IP addresses, Hardware IDs (MAC addresses), ; SteamIDs, and usernames, particularly since it's known that this sysadmin logs all of that information every time any ; player joins any Renegade X server. It's also known that this data is stored alongside C&C Renegade player information, ; meaning that C&C Renegade players and Renegade X players can be tracked across each game. ; By sanitizing personal information going to the DevBot, players can be feel safe knowing that their data is not being ; used to track them across platforms. ; ; Settings: ; Upstreams=String (Default: DevBot; space-separated list of config sections to connect to) ; ; Upstream Settings: ; UpstreamHost=String (Default: devbot.ren-x.com) ; UpstreamPort=Integer (Default: 21337) ; RconUsername=String (Default: blank; leave blank to forward using real connection username) ; LogTraffic=Bool (Default: false; logs ALL RCON traffic going to and from each upstream to a file, useful for debugging) ; FakePings=Bool (Default: true; respond to pings directly rather than looping through game server) ; FakeSuppressedCommands=Bool (Default: true; reply acknowledging the command was received, without forwarding) ; SanitizeNames=Bool (Default: true; sanitizes all player names from messages) ; SanitizeIPs=Bool (Default: true; sanitizes all player IPs from all messages) ; SanitizeHWIDs=Bool (Default: true; sanitizes all player HWIDs from all messages) ; SanitizeSteamIDs=Bool (Default: true; sanitizes all player SteamIDs from all messages) ; SuppressUnknownCmds=Bool (Default: true; sanitizes all unknown commands coming from upstream) ; SuppressBlacklistedCmds=Bool (Default: true; sanitizes all non-informational commands coming from upstream) ; SuppressChatLogs=Bool (Default: true; suppresses all chat logs, for privacy or to save bandwidth) ; SuppressRconCommandLogs=Bool (Default: true; filter out extraneous RCON command execution logs to save bandwidth) ; Upstreams=DevBot [DevBot] UpstreamHost=devbot.ren-x.com RconUsername=DevBot