You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

207 lines
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; File: RenX.Logging.ini
; This plugin logs game events to IRC public and administrative channels.
; To prevent an event from logging to public channels, set the below
; corresponding setting to "false". Some events are set to "false" by default.
; To disable an event completely, set its logging format to an empty string.
; For an example, refer to the default CommandFormat value.
; True to suppress the logs for commands this bot executes
; Public logging enablers
; If you don't want a log message public, set it to false here
; Logging formats
; Define log formats here
;PlayerRDNSFormat=05[RDNS] {NAME}'s hostname is {RDNS}
;JoinPublicFormat=12[Join] {NAME} joined the game fighting for the {TEAML}!
;JoinAdminFormat=12[Join] {NAME} joined the game fighting for the {TEAML} from {IP} using Steam ID {STEAM}. HWID: "{HWID}"
;JoinNoSteamAdminFormat=12[Join] {NAME} joined the game fighting for the {TEAML} from {IP}, but is not using Steam. HWID: "{HWID}"
;PartFormat=12[Part] {NAME} left the {TEAML}.
;KickFormat=04[Kick] {NAME} was 04kicked (04{MESSAGE})
;PlayerExecuteFormat={NAME}07 executed: {MESSAGE}
;PlayerFormat=12[Player] {MESSAGE}
;NameChangeFormat={NAME} changed their name to {NNAME}.
;TeamChangeFormat={NAME} switched teams!
;SpeedHackFormat=04[SpeedHack] {NAME} has thrown a Speed Hack warning!
;ChatFormat={NAME}: {MESSAGE}
;TeamChatFormat={NAME}: {MESSAGE}
;RadioChatFormat={NAME}: {MESSAGE}
;HostChatFormat=12Host0: {MESSAGE}
;HostPageFormat=12(Host -> {RNAME}): {MESSAGE}
;OtherChatFormat=06[Other Chat] {MESSAGE}
;DeployFormat={NAME} deployed a 12{OBJECT}
;MineDeployFormat={NAME} deployed a 12{OBJECT}
;OverMineFormat={NAME} is 04over-mining: 12{OBJECT}
;DisarmFormat={NAME} disarmed {VNAME}'s 12{OBJECT}
;MineDisarmFormat={NAME} disarmed {VNAME}'s 12{OBJECT}
;DisarmNoOwnerFormat={NAME} disarmed a {OBJECT}
;MineDisarmNoOwnerFormat={NAME} disarmed a {OBJECT}
;ExplodeFormat={NAME} detonated a 07{WEAPON}.
;ExplodeNoOwnerFormat=A 07{WEAPON} detonated.
;SuicideFormat={NAME} suicided (12{WEAPON}).
;KillFormat={NAME} killed {VNAME} ({TCOLOR}{CHAR}/{WEAPON} vs {VTCOLOR}{VCHAR}).
;KillFormat2={TCOLOR}{NAME} killed {VNAME} (12{WEAPON}).
;DieFormat={NAME} died (12{WEAPON}).
;DieFormat2={TCOLOR}{NAME} died (12{WEAPON}).
;DestroyBuildingFormat={NAME} destroyed the {VTCOLOR}{OBJECT} (12{WEAPON}).
;DestroyBuildingFormat2={TCOLOR}{NAME} destroyed the {VTCOLOR}{OBJECT} (12{WEAPON}).
;DestroyDefenceFormat={NAME} destroyed a {VTCOLOR}{OBJECT} (12{WEAPON}).
;DestroyDefenceFormat2={TCOLOR}{NAME} destroyed a {VTCOLOR}{OBJECT} (12{WEAPON}).
;DestroyVehicleFormat={NAME} destroyed a {VTCOLOR}{OBJECT} (12{WEAPON}).
;DestroyVehicleFormat2={TCOLOR}{NAME} destroyed a {VTCOLOR}{OBJECT} (12{WEAPON}).
;CaptureFormat={NAME} captured the {VTCOLOR}{OBJECT}.
;NeutralizeFormat={NAME} neutralized the {VTCOLOR}{OBJECT}.
;CharacterPurchaseFormat={NAME} purchased a {TCOLOR}{VCHAR}.
;ItemPurchaseFormat={NAME} purchased a {TCOLOR}{OBJECT}.
;WeaponPurchaseFormat={NAME} purchased a {TCOLOR}{WEAPON}.
;RefillPurchaseFormat={NAME} purchased a {TCOLOR}refill.
;VehiclePurchaseFormat={NAME} purchased a {TCOLOR}{VVEH}.
;VehicleSpawnFormat=A {TCOLOR}{VEH} has spawned.
;SpawnFormat={NAME} spawned as a {TCOLOR}{VCHAR}.
;BotJoinFormat={NAME} online.
;VehicleCrateFormat={NAME} picked up a 12{OBJECT} vehicle crate.
;TSVehicleCrateFormat={NAME} picked up a 12{OBJECT} vehicle crate.
;RAVehicleCrateFormat={NAME} picked up a 12{OBJECT} vehicle crate.
;DeathCrateFormat={NAME} picked up a 12death crate.
;MoneyCrateFormat={NAME} picked up 09{OBJECT} credits from a 12money crate.
;CharacterCrateFormat={NAME} picked up a {TCOLOR}{VCHAR} 12character crate.
;SpyCrateFormat={NAME} picked up a {VTCOLOR}{VCHAR} 12spy crate.
;RefillCrateFormat={NAME} picked up a {TCOLOR}refill crate.
;TimeBombCrateFormat={NAME} picked up a 11time-bomb crate.
;SpeedCrateFormat={NAME} picked up a 11speed crate.
;NukeCrateFormat={NAME} picked up a 04nuke crate.
;AbductionCrateFormat={NAME} has been 06abducted by the 06Scrin!
;UnspecifiedCrateFormat={NAME} picked up an 13unspecified crate.
;OtherCrateFormat={NAME} picked up a 13{OBJECT} crate.
;StealFormat={NAME} stole {VNAME}'s {OBJECT}!
;StealNoOwnerFormat={NAME} stole a 12{OBJECT}!
;DonateFormat={NAME} donated 09{OBJECT} credits to {VNAME}.
;GameOverFormat=03[Game]{TCOLOR} The {TEAML} won by {MESSAGE}
;GameOverTieNoWinFormat=03[Game]10 The battle ended in a {MESSAGE} - Victory handed to {TCOLOR}{TEAML}
;GameOverTieFormat=03[Game]10 The battle ended in a {MESSAGE}
;GameFormat=03[Game] {MESSAGE}
; ExecuteFormat=07{NAME} executed: {MESSAGE}
;SubscribeFormat=03{NAME} subscribed to the RCON data stream.
;AdminLoginFormat=07[Admin] {NAME} logged in with 07{ADMIN} privledges.
;AdminGrantFormat=07[Admin] {NAME} was granted 07{ADMIN} privledges.
;AdminLogoutFormat=07[Admin] {NAME} logged out of their 07{ADMIN} privledges.
;AdminFormat=07[Admin] {MESSAGE}
;VoteAddBotsFormat=[Vote] {NAME} has called for adding 12{OBJECT} bots to {VTEAMS}, with skill level 07{WEAPON}.
;VoteChangeMapFormat=[Vote] {NAME} has called for a Map Change.
;VoteKickFormat=[Vote] {NAME} has called for a kick against {VNAME}.
;VoteMineBanFormat={VTCOLOR}[Vote] {NAME} has called for a Mine Ban against {NAME}.
;VoteRemoveBotsFormat=[Vote] {NAME} has called a vote to remove 12{OBJECT} bots from {VTCOLOR}{VTEAMS}.
;VoteRestartMapFormat=[Vote] {NAME} has called for a Map Restart.
;VoteSurrenderFormat={VTCOLOR}[Vote] {NAME} has called for a Surrender.
;VoteSurveyFormat={VTCOLOR}[Vote] {NAME}{VTCOLOR} has started a Survey: 12{MESSAGE}
;VoteOtherFormat={VTCOLOR}[Vote] {NAME}{VTCOLOR} has called a "{OBJECT}" vote.
;VoteOverSuccessFormat={VTCOLOR}[Vote] A vote for "{OBJECT}" 09passed{VTCOLOR} (Votes Yes: {WINSCORE} | Votes No: {LOSESCORE}).
;VoteOverFailFormat={VTCOLOR}[Vote] A vote for "{OBJECT}" 04failed{VTCOLOR} (Votes Yes: {WINSCORE} | Votes No: {LOSESCORE}).
;VoteCancelFormat={VTCOLOR}[Vote] A vote for "{OBJECT}" was 07cancelled.
;VoteFormat=06[Vote] {MESSAGE}
;MapChangeFormat=03Loading {MESSAGE}...
;MapLoadFormat=03{MESSAGE} loaded.
;MapStartFormat=03{MESSAGE} started.
;MapFormat=06[Map] {MESSAGE}
;DemoRecordFormat={NAME} has started a demo recording.
;RCONDemoRecordFormat=07A demo recording has started.
;DemoRecordStopFormat=07The demo recording has stopped.
;DemoFormat=06[Demo] {MESSAGE}
;LogFormat=07[Log] {MESSAGE}
;ErrorFormat=04[Error] {MESSAGE}
;VersionFormat=03Renegade X RCON connection established; using RCON verison {RVER} for game version {GVER}
;AuthorizedFormat=03RCON authorization completed.
;OtherFormat=06[Other] {MESSAGE}