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; File: RenX.Relay.ini
; Function:
; Sanitizes logs going to the Renegade X devbot (server list), and sanitizes commands coming from the Renegade X devbot.
; Rationale:
; Certain server owners report great unease about a specific Totem Arts sysadmin who is entirely unrestrained, who has
; entirely unrestrained access to player personal information such as IP addresses, Hardware IDs (MAC addresses),
; SteamIDs, and usernames, particularly since it's known that this sysadmin logs all of that information every time any
; player joins any Renegade X server. It's also known that this data is stored alongside C&C Renegade player information,
; meaning that C&C Renegade players and Renegade X players can be tracked across each game.
; By sanitizing personal information going to the DevBot, players can be feel safe knowing that their data is not being
; tracked by a sysadmin who is extremely well known to hoard, steal, and misuse data.
; Settings:
; UpstreamHost=String (Default:
; UpstreamPort=Integer (Default: 21337)
; SanitizeNames=Bool (Default: true; sanitizes all player names from messages)
; SanitizeIPs=Bool (Default: true; sanitizes all player IPs from all messages)
; SanitizeHWIDs=Bool (Default: true; sanitizes all player HWIDs from all messages)
; SanitizeSteamIDs=Bool (Default: true; sanitizes all player SteamIDs from all messages)
; SanitizeUnknownCmds=Bool (Default: true; sanitizes all unknown commands coming from devbot)
; SanitizeBlacklistedCmds=Bool (Default: true; sanitizes all non-informational commands coming from devbot)
; SuppressChatLogs=Bool (Default: true; suppresses all chat logs)